MGate MB3660 Modbus Gateway
Web Console Configuration
In agent mode, when the Modbus TCP master queries Modbus serial slave devices, the MB3660 plays the role
of TCP slave on the Ethernet side, and consequently is assigned a Modbus TCP slave ID. The Modbus TCP
master can retrieve the Modbus slave devices’ status via Modbus command with the following information.
Slave ID
[MB3660’s Modbus TCP slave ID]
0x03 or 0x04
32 words for MB3660-16, 16 words for MB3660-8
When a Modbus serial master queries the Modbus TCP slave devices, the MB3660 plays the role of serial slave
on the serial side, and consequently is assigned a Modbus serial slave ID. The Modbus serial master can
retrieve the Modbus TCP slave devices’ status via Modbus command with the following information.
Slave ID
[MB3660’s Modbus RTU/ASCII slave ID]
0x03 or 0x04
16 words
Modbus RTU/ASCII Settings
According to the Modbus RTU/ASCII settings, the MGate MB3660 will act as a Modbus master or Modbus slave
in order to communicate with your Modbus RTU/ASCII devices. For Slave mode, the MGate acts as a slave and
waits for the incoming connection from the Modbus master. In this mode, you only need to specify the slave ID
for the MGate gateway. For Master mode, the MGate works as a master and will try to send Modbus commands
to the Modbus slave devices, so you will need to specify the slave device IDs and the relative Modbus