CT70104B_e.doc / Nov-15
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This document provides all information about the CT701 firmware, including parameters,
variables and hints for commissioning.
To implement this application, you will need:
A motion controller hardware of type MC700 or MC720
A PC with operating system Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP
The motronaCD containing the PC operator software OS5.1, the firmware file CT701xxx
and the pdf files for the manuals MC700xxx.pdf (hardware description, connections,
specifications) and CT701xxx.pdf (description of the firmware as actually at hand)
All of above files are also available for free download from our homepage:
1. MC700 / MC720 Hardware
OS5.1 PC software,
CT 701 firmware
2. PC
Documentation (PDF-files)
3. motrona CD
Test functions
Moreover, on the Applications site of above homepage you can watch a short demo movie
showing a typical application of the firmware described here.
Please note, the CT701 firmware is liable to payment of a license fee. The license key
necessary for setup will be delivered upon remittance of the licence fee.