1.2 During Power Up
When the momentary power loss is longer than 2 seconds, the inverter will not
have sufficient stored power for its control circuit. Therefore, when the power is
re-applied, the run operation of the inverter will be based on the setup of
following parameters:
Run parameters. 00-02 or 00-03.
Direct run on power up. Parameter. 07-04 and the status of external run
-: the start operation will be regardless of the settings for parameters
Danger. Direct run on power up.
If direct run on power up is enabled and inverter is set to external run
with the run FWD/REV switch closed then the inverter will restart.
Prior to use, ensure that all risks and safety implications are considered.
When the momentary power loss ride through is selected and the power loss is
short, the inverter will have sufficient stored power for its control circuits to
function, therefore,when the power is resumed the inverter will automatically
restart depending on the setup of parameters 07-00 & &- 7-01.
1.3 Before Operation
Make sure the inverter model and rating are the same as that set in parameter
:On power up the supply voltage set in parameter 01-01 will flash on the
display for 2 seconds.
1.4 During Operation
Do not connect or disconnect the motor during operation. Otherwise, It may
cause the inverter to trip or damage the unit.