Get suggestions
Use suggestions to type faster.
When you're typing, you'll see a list of suggested next words above the keys:
Touch a word in the list to insert it in your text.
If you don’t like a suggested word, touch & hold it, then drag it to .
You can
Spell check and auto correct
Misspelled words are automatically corrected as you type:
To undo a correction, touch
To prevent that word from being auto-corrected again, add it to your dictionary by touching the word in
the list of suggestions above the keys.
If auto-correction is
, you can still check spelling:
1. After you're done typing, review your text; misspelled words (and words not in your dictionary) are
2. Touch an underlined word:
If the word is spelled correctly, touch it in the suggestion bar.
If the word is misspelled, select the correct word in the suggestion bar or type the correction.
Type in multiple languages
as a system language in your phone settings, keyboards and text
suggestion are available for those languages:
When using a keyboard language other than your primary system language, available keyboard
languages are shown on the spacebar.
To toggle between languages, touch
To see a list of available keyboards, touch & hold
or the spacebar.
You can
Cut, copy, paste text
You can select and copy text from web pages and messages.
1. To select text, touch & hold a word.
Learn the basics : Work with text