MPU, Hardware, and Firmware Initialization
24. Displays the debugger’s copyright message.
25. Displays any hardware initialization errors that may have occurred.
26. Checksums the debugger object, and displays a warning message if
the checksum failed to verify.
27. Displays the amount of local read/write memory found.
28. Verifies the configuration data that is resident in NVRAM, and
displays a warning message if the verification failed.
29. Calculates and displays the MPU clock speed, verifies that the MPU
clock speed matches the configuration data, and displays a warning
message if the verification fails.
30. Displays the BUS clock speed, verifies that the BUS clock speed
matches the configuration data, and displays a warning message if
the verification fails.
31. Displays any Keyboard Controller initialization error that occurs.
32. Probes PCI bus for supported network devices.
33. Probes PCI bus for supported mass storage devices.
34. Initializes the memory/IO addresses for the supported PCI bus
35. Executes Self-Test, if so configured. (Default is no Self-Test.)
36. Extinguishes the board fail LED, if there are no self-test failures or
initialization/configuration errors.
37. Executes the configured boot routine, either ROMboot, Autoboot,
or Network Autoboot.
38. Executes the user interface (that is, displays the