Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
CNFG and ENV Commands
The value or identifier to the left of the equal sign is displayed as left-
justified character (ASCII) strings padded with space characters and
quotes (“) are displayed to indicate the size of the string. Values that are
not in quotes are considered data strings and data strings are right-justified.
The data strings are padded with zeroes if the length is not met. It is
important to note that the MCP750 has no local SCSI bus controller, hence,
the Local SCSI Identifier parameter is ignored by the PPCBug.
The Board Information Block is factory-configured before shipment.
There is no need to modify block parameters unless the NVRAM is
Refer to the Programmer’s Reference Guide (MCP750A/PG) for the
actual location and other information about the Board Information Block.
Refer also to the PPCBug Firmware Package User's Manual
(PPCBUGA1/UM and PPCBUGA2/UM) for a description of CNFG and
ENV - Set Environment
Use the ENV command to view and/or configure interactively all PPCBug
operational parameters that are kept in Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM).
Refer to the PPCBug Firmware Package User's Manual
(PPCBUGA1/UM and PPCBUGA1/UM, listed in
Appendix B, Related
) for a description of the use of ENV.
MPU Clock Speed
= “233
Bus Clock Speed
= “067
Ethernet Address
= “08003E25D0C5
Local SCSI Identifier*
= “07
System Serial Number
= “1234567
System Identifier
= “Motorola MCP750603-001a”
License Identifier
= “12345678