Avoid gripping treadmill handlebars or side rails while walking or
running as it can impact our ability to track steps (as your hands aren't
moving). Gripping strollers, pushcarts, etc. can also limit signal.
33. Find my iPhone (iOS only)
Starting with App version 1.6, and Firmware version 41, you can use your Motiv
Ring to locate your iPhone. To locate your iPhone, initiate a manual sync.
Then, once the LED on your ring is flashing blue, rotate the ring the opposite
direction. When your LED starts flashing multi-colors, your ring is sending a
request for your phone to make an alert sound. This will work two ways
depending on the volume setting on your phone.
1. When your Ringer volume is set to anything but 0, your phone will
make an alert sound at the current volume level, even if your ringer is
set to vibrate.
2. If your Ringer volume is set to 0, your phone will vibrate every few
The alert will last for one minute, or until you open the Motiv App or change
the volume using your side volume buttons or phone settings.
If you don’t get
to your phone within that time, just follow the same process to trigger the
alert again.
34. HIIT Workouts
With regard to HIIIT, it’s important to remember the way we track heart rate.
We optimized our system to sample heart rate when it matters most, in order
to maximize battery life. When we sense step activity, the heart rate sensor
activates. For all those times you’re not generating steps, we check your heart