36. Place the lower Bpillar trim panel (3) into position and
engage the retaining tabs that secure the trim panel to
the Bpillar (4).
37. Route the seat belt through the slot provided in the
Bpillar trim panel.
38. Install the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (1) to the
bottom of the Bpillar (4).
39. Place the upper Bpillar trim panel (5) into position and
engage the retaining tabs that secure the trim panel to
the Bpillar (4).
40. Install the bolt (2) that secures the seat belt (3) to the
top of the Bpillar (4) and Install the cap (1).
41. Install the storage compartment (2) to the rear cab and
install the three fasteners (1) that secure the rear stor
age compartment to the floor panel (3).
Oct 16, 2009
K6860899 Rev. 1