14 The Interface Solution Experts
Programmable Isolated
Thermocouple Transmitter
11. Verify that the milliammeter or DC voltmeter
indicates 4 mA (1 Vdc when using voltmeter
and resistor). This indicates that span was
captured successfully. Repeat steps 11 and
12 until the reading is 4 mA.
12. To trim zero-percent output, press one of the
ZERO push buttons until the desired output
level is indicated on the meter. To set span,
continue procedure. Otherwise, go to step
13. To trim span, press either SPAN push button
until the desired output level is indicated on
the meter.
14. When desired values are captured and
outputs trimmed, press both Up arrows
simultaneously to save the new setting.
The settings entered during calibration
are retained until a subsequent calibration
(quick or standard ranging) is performed.
If the latest settings are not saved before
removing power, or if the CANCEL push
buttons are pressed simultaneously, the unit
will revert to the last saved values.
15. Check zero and full-scale settings by
inputting zero and full scale, and monitoring
the effect on TIY output.
16. Disconnect calibration equipment. If you
used a millivolt source to calibrate the
unit, remove (store) jumper J301 (enable
RJC) before placing the calibrated unit into
service. If you will need to perform any
subsequent quick ranging, install J305 (units
with -ND option (no display) cannot be quick
Quick Ranging
Quick Ranging allows the user to calibrate the
standard TIY without an input source or output
monitoring device.
After installing J305 (see Figure 1), a 12-42 Vdc
power source applied to the +PS and –PS terminals
of the TIY is all that is required to perform Quick
Ranging. The push buttons are used to set zero and
span values. The user-selected values are displayed
on the unit’s LCD.
When quick ranging is selected, the TIY ignores
signals to the input terminals (+IN and –IN). The
zero-percent output will be 4 mA for whatever value
zero is set to with the ZERO push buttons, and the
100-percent output will be 20 mA for whatever the
full-scale value is set to with the SPAN push buttons.
Figure 3 illustrates the DC power hookup required to
perform quick ranging of the TIY.
Jumper J305 must be INSTALLED to
perform quick ranging. Verify its setting,
along with other configuration jumpers,
before beginning this procedure
(See Figure 1 and Table 3).