e mac ine must onl e used for tas s for ic it as een desi ned
e manufacturer ill not e lia le for an dama e caused usin t e mac ine for applications ot er t an t ose specified t e manufacturer n
c an es made to t e mac ine are carried out entirel at t e user s ris
roper use of t e mac ine also implies
compl in it instructions on use, care and maintenance provided t e manufacturer
usin onl ori inal or manufacturer recommended spare parts, equipment and accessories
e mac ine must onl e operated, maintained and repaired competent persons
o are a are of t e ris s relatin to operatin t e mac ine
e user must strictl a ide current le islation re ardin
accident prevention
safet at or ealt and safet re ulations
transport on pu lic roads road tra c re ulations
trict compliance it arnin s a ed to t e mac ine is o li ator
e o ner of t e equipment s all ecome lia le for an dama e resultin from alterations made to t e mac ine t e user or an ot er person,
it out t e prior ritten consent of t e manufacturer
en itc in or un itc in t e mac ine from t e tractor, place t e control lever of t e draulic lift in a position t at prevents t e liftin mec anism
from ein activated accidentall
2 - When hitching the machine to the three-point lifting mechanism of the tractor, ensure that the diameters of the pins or gudgeons correspond to the
diameter of t e tractor all oints
aution n t e t ree points liftin one, t ere ma e a dan er of crus in and s earin
o not stand et een t e tractor and t e mac ine ilst operatin t e e ternal lift control lever
en in transport, liftin mec anism sta ili er ars must e fitted to t e mac ine to prevent friction and side movement
en transportin t e mac ine in t e raised position, loc t e lift control lever
DRIVE EQUIPMENT (Power take-off and universal drive shafts)
nl use universal s afts supplied it t e mac ine or recommended t e manufacturer
o er ta e off and universal drive s aft uards must al a s e fitted and in ood condition
nsure t at t e tu es of t e universal drive s afts are properl uarded, ot in t e or in position and in t e transport position
efore connectin or disconnectin a universal drive s aft, disen a e t e po er ta e off, turn off t e en ine and re move t e e from i nition
f t e primar universal drive s aft is fitted it torque limiter or a free eel, t ese must e mounted on t e mac ine po er ta e off
l a s ensure t at universal drive s afts are fitted and loc ed correctl
l a s ensure t at universal drive s afts uards are immo ili ed in rotation usin t e speciall provided c ains
efore en a in po er ta e off, ensure t at t e speed selected and t e direction of rotation of t e po er ta e off compl it t e manufacturer s
efore en a in po er ta e off, ensure t at no persons or animals are close to t e mac ine
isen a e po er ta e off en t e universal drive s aft an le limits laid do n t e manufacturer are in dan er of ein e ceeded
en po er ta e off as een disen a ed, movin parts ma continue to rotate for a fe moments o not approac until t e ave
reac ed a complete standstill
n removal from t e mac ine, rest t e universal drive s afts on t e speciall provided supports
fter disconnectin t e po er ta e off universal drive s aft of t e tractor, cover it it its protective cap
ama ed po er ta e off and universal drive s aft uards must e replaced immediatel
aution e draulic circuit is pressuri ed
en fittin draulic motors or c linders, ensure t at t e circuits are connected correctl in accordance it t e manufacturer s uidelines
efore fittin a ose to t e tractor s draulic circuit, ensure t at t e tractor side and t e mac ine side circuits are not pressuri ed
e user of t e mac ine is stron l advised to identif t e draulic couplin s et een t e tractor and t e mac ine in order to prevent connection
errors aution ere is a dan er of reversin t e functions for e ample raise lo er
ec draulic oses once a ear
- damage to the outer surface
porosit of t e outer surface
deformation it and it out pressure
condition of fittin s and seals
oses must e replaced efore ears of use, in accordance it t e manufacturer s recommendations
en a lea is found, all necessar precautions s ould e ta en to prevent accidents
ressuri ed liquid, particularl draulic circuit oil, ma cause serious in ur if it comes into contact it t e s in n t e case of in ur , consult a
doctor immediatel ere is a ris of infection
efore carr in out an or on t e draulic circuit, lo er t e mac ine, release t e pressure from t e circuit, turn off t e en ine and remove t e
e from i nition
efore commencin an maintenance, servicin or repair or , it is essential t at t e po er ta e off is disen a ed, t e en ine turned off and t e
e removed from t e i nition
ec re ularl t at nuts and scre s are not loose i ten if necessar fter t e first fe ours of use ours , all scre s must e ti tened
en repeat t e operation ever ours
efore carr in out maintenance or on a raised mac ine, prop it up usin appropriate means of support
en replacin a or in part, ear protective loves and onl use appropriate tools
o protect t e environment, it is for idden to t ro a a oil, rease or filters of an ind
efore carr in out an or on t e electric circuit, disconnect t e po er source
arts su ect to ear and tear s ould e c ec ed re ularl eplace t em immediatel if t e are dama ed or orn
pare parts s ould compl it t e standards and specifications laid do n t e manufacturer nl use
spare parts
efore commencin an electric eldin or on t e tractor or t e to ed mac ine, disconnect t e alternator and atter ca les
epairs affectin parts under stress or pressure s ould e carried out suita l qualified en ineers
Содержание TFC 2
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