8.2 Fault and Warning Messages
Table 8-1 Fault and Warning Messages
Message Cause
The controller is unable to supply the current
: This error message is most likely to be
seen if the particular zone is set as a Spear
• Isolate system supply, check loom and
check heater wiring continuity.
• Check the heater resistance against other
known good zones to see that it is not
noticeably higher than average.
Little or no temperature rise has been
detected in that zone.
When the console starts to apply power it
expects to see an equivalent heat rise at the
If the thermocouple has been trapped and
pinched in the tool or cable then the console
cannot see the full heat rise that occurs at
the tip. If left uncorrected there is a danger
that the zone could overheat and damage
the tip.
The circuit maintains the output at whatever
level it reached when the monitor circuit
detected the fault
• Check thermocouple wiring, which may be
• Heater wiring may be faulty or element
may be open circuit.
The output fuse for that zone has failed.
IMPORTANT: Read hazard warnings at
the start of Section 8.
: A fuse can only fail due to a
fault external to the controller. Identify and
rectify the fault before replacing the fuse.
If the fuse in question is mounted
on a control card then it is safe to unplug
the board in order to isolate the circuit and
replace the fuse on the card.
• Replace the fuse with one of the same
rating and type [High Rupture Current load
The blown fuse is located either on the
control card or on the off board triac module, if
The system has detected an earth fault.
• Check your heater wiring for a low
impedance path to earth.
There is a system failure and the console
does not know how to respond.
This alarm may occur if an older model
console is connected to a later version
cabinet. If the early version console does not
recognize an alarm that has been generated
by a later model control card, then it cannot
display an appropriate alarm message.
The console software has a routine to check
incoming messages and it flags up a HELP
message if such a condition arises.
• Make a note of the serial numbers for both
the controller and console.
• Also note the console software date on the
Utilities page.
• Contact your supplier with this information.
M1 Plus Controller User Manual
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