Working with one wing panel for now, remove the aileron from the wing
panel, then push one T-Pin through the center of each of the four preinstalled
C/A-style hinges.
The T-Pins will set the proper hinge gap when you hinge the
aileron to the wing panel.
Push the aileron and hinges into the corresponding four hinge slots in
the trailing edge of the wing panel. If you cannot push the aileron firmly up
against the T-Pins, remove the aileron and cut the hinge slots in the wing
panel deeper.
Push the aileron firmly up against the T-Pins and double-check that there
is no more than a 1/16" (1.5mm) wide gap between the tip of the aileron and
the wing tip.
While holding the aileron tight against the T-Pins, pivot the aileron down
45º and apply 5-6 drops of thin C/A to the exposed area of each hinge, then
turn the wing panel over and repeat for the other side of the hinges.
Allow the C/A to dry for about 15 minutes, then remove the T-Pins and pivot the aileron up and down several times to free up the
hinges. When done, repeat the previous procedures to hinge the second aileron to the other wing panel.
Check the integrity of the hinges after the C/A fully cures by gently pulling on the ailerons. If one or more hinges
feels loose, apply more C/A to the hinge(s) and allow it to completely cure. The last thing you want is for a hinge to come loose
during flight.
Do not hinge the aileron too tightly against the trailing edge of the wing panel. There needs to be a slight hinge
gap (no more than the width of a T-Pin), so that the aileron can pivot far enough to achieve the suggested control throws.
steP 2: iNstaLLiNG tHe aiLeroN servos
Cut away the covering material from over both the aileron servo mounting
hole and the aileron servo lead exit hole in the bottom of one wing panel. The
servo mounting hole is located 6-3/4" (171mm) out from the root end of the
wing panel and 4-1/4" (108mm) in front of the aileron hinge line. The servo
lead exit hole is located on the root end of the wing panel, 4-1/2" (114mm)
in front of the trailing edge.
The servo output shaft should be toward the
of the wing panel.
Run the servo lead through the wing panel and out the servo lead exit hole.
Install the aileron servo into the mounting hole, making sure to drill 1/16"
(1.6mm) diameter pilot holes for the mounting screws, then repeat the previous
procedures to install the second aileron servo into the other wing panel.