steP 3: HiNGiNG tHe eLevator
Hinge the elevator to the stabilizer, using the same techniques that you
used to hinge the ailerons to the wing panels. Make sure that the tips of the
elevator are even with the tips of the stabilizer.
Remember, use a T-Pin pushed through each hinge to
set the correct hinge gap.
After allowing the C/A to fully cure, pull on the elevator to check the integrity of the hinges. Apply more C/A to
the hinge(s) if necessary.
sTep 4: InsTAllIng The VeRTIcAl sTABIlIzeR
Cut away the covering material from below both the lines that you drew
on the stabilizer and from the base of the stabilizer, too.
Cut away the covering material from inside the outline that you drew on
top of the fuselage.
Cut away the covering material from over the stabilizer mounting slot in
the top of the fuselage. The mounting slot begins 5/16" (8mm) in front of the
horizontal stabilizer and is 2-1/4" (57mm) long and 1/4" (6mm) wide.
Glue the stabilizer into place, using a generous amount of 30 minute epoxy.
It's important that the vertical stabilizer be perpendicular to the horizontal stabilizer. Double-check this while the
epoxy is setting up and curing.
Push the stabilizer down into the mounting slot, then draw a line on each
side of the stabilizer where it meets the top of the fuselage. Draw an outline
onto the fuselage around the base of the stabilizer, too.
Glue one triangle support between each side of the stabilizer and the top
of the fuselage. Again, make sure to cut away the covering material from
the gluing surfaces to ensure a strong glue joint.