While holding the crimp collet in place so it doesn't slide off, carefully thread
the same end of the cable through the hole in one threaded coupler.
Loop the cable around the coupler and slide the end of the cable back
through the crimp collet.
Hold the short end of the cable with a pair of pliers and firmly slide the
crimp collet forward so that the flange covers the end of the coupler, then firmly
squeeze the crimp collet, using a pair of pliers, to lock the cable into place.
Apply a couple of drops of thin C/A to the crimp collet. The C/A will "wick"
between the crimp collet and the cable, making the joint even stronger.
not omit this procedure.
Repeat the previous procedures to install the second threaded coupler
onto one end of the other length of cable.
steP 3: iNstaLLiNG tHe eLevator PuLL-PuLL CaBLes
Using a pair of wire cutters, carefully cut the stranded pull-pull cable
exactly in half.
Slide one crimp collet, non-flanged side first, over one end of one cable.
If the ends of the cable begin to unravel, use your fingers to twist the ends back into shape.
Cut 1/4" (6mm) off the end of each of the two threaded couplers to make
them shorter.
Thread one clevis onto each of the two threaded couplers, then feed
the plain end of each of the two lengths of cable through the elevator cable
guides in the top and the bottom of the fuselage.
Snap each clevis into the
outermost hole
in the control horns.
Cut away two arms from a "4-point" servo horn.
Enlarge the hole in each servo arm that is 3/4" (19mm) out from the center
of the servo horn, using a 5/64" (2mm) diameter drill bit.
Center the elevator servo, then install the servo horn onto the servo,
making sure that it's centered.
Install the Z-Bend in each of the two short Z-Bend couplers into the hole
in the servo arms that you enlarged, then install and tighten the servo horn
retaining screw to hold the servo horn securely to the servo.