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steP 2: iNstaLLiNG tHe tHrottLe PusHroD Wire
Remove the throttle arm from your engine and install the Z-Bend in the
pushrod wire into the
outermost hole
in the throttle arm.
You may need to enlarge the hole in your engine's throttle arm, using a
5/64" (2mm) diameter drill bit, to accommodate the pushrod wire.
Slide the pushrod wire through the predrilled hole in the firewall and the
forward bulkhead, then reinstall the throttle arm onto your engine. You will
need to make two bends in the pushrod wire so that it will line up with the
throttle arm and prevent binding.
Open and close the carburetor several times to ensure that the pushrod
wire does not bind.
steP 3: iNstaLLiNG tHe aDjustaBLe PusHroD CoNNeCtor
Cut away all but one arm from a "4-point" servo horn.
Enlarge the hole in the servo arm that is 9/16" (14mm) out from the center
of the servo horn, using a 5/64" (2mm) diameter drill bit.
Install the adjustable pushrod connector onto the servo arm, making sure
not to tighten the nut too tightly. You don't want the pushrod connector loose,
but it should be able to rotate without binding.
To prevent the nut from loosening during flight, apply a
drop of thin C/A to it. Allow the C/A to fully cure before proceeding.
Connect your radio system and check that the throttle servo output shaft is rotating in the correct direction, then position the throttle
control stick and the throttle trim lever to their lowest positions.
Cut away the excess pushrod wire, then install and tighten the servo horn retaining screw to hold the servo horn securely to
the servo.
Open and close the throttle several times to ensure that the carburetor opens and closes completely and without binding. You
may need to adjust your transmitter EPA settings to achieve perfect settings.
Slide the adjustable pushrod connector assembly onto the pushrod wire,
then install the servo horn onto the servo, making sure that it's angled
approximately 30 degrees from center.
While holding the carburetor fully closed (open for four-stroke engines),
install and tighten the machine screw in the adjustable pushrod connector.
You will need to make two bends in the pushrod wire so
that it will line up with the pushrod connector and prevent binding.