steP 4: iNstaLLiNG Your eNGiNe aCCessories
steP 2: iNstaLLiNG tHe fuseLaGe HatCH Cover
Secure the hatch cover into place, using two M2 x 6mm flange-head wood
sTep 3: InsTAllIng The ReceIVeR, BATTeRy AnD sWITch hARness
Wrap the receiver and battery in foam rubber to protect them from vibration. Use masking tape or rubber bands to hold the foam
rubber in place. Do not wrap the foam rubber too tightly or the vibration dampening quality will be reduced.
After installing the receiver, run the antenna out the bottom of the
fuselage and secure it to the tail skid, using a rubber band and an antenna
mount made from an extra servo horn.
Mount the switch to the fuselage side and connect the battery lead to the
switch, and the switch and servo leads to the receiver.
Install the muffler onto your engine, then connect the fuel lines from the
fuel tank to your engine's carburetor and muffler.
Install your propeller and spinner.
To Tail Skid
Modified Servo Arm
Rubber Band
Remove This
The hatch cover is provided for electric fliers to access their LiPO motor battery. If you're using a glow engine in
your Magic V2 aircraft, we strongly suggest gluing the hatch cover securely to the fuselage. If you do decide to use the hatch cover,
please make sure not to mount anything directly to it (like your receiver or battery). It is not a structural part of the fuselage.
Set the hatch cover into place and drill two 1/16" (1.6mm) diameter pilot
holes through the rear corners of the hatch cover. Position the pilot holes 1/8"
(3mm) in from the corners of the hatch cover.
Apply a few drops of thin C/A into the pilot holes to
strengthen the surrounding wood. This will ensure that the wood screws
won't loosen over time.
After you've found the final location of the receiver and battery, mount
them into the fuselage using your favorite method. The easiest method is
to simply sandwich them in place using pieces of foam rubber.
We mounted the receiver battery behind the fuel tank and mounted the
receiver next to the throttle servo.
Make sure that your receiver and battery can't come out
should the hatch cover ever come loose.