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steP 3: aLiGNiNG tHe WiNG PaNeLs
Cut away the excess covering material that overlaps onto the root ribs
of each wing panel, leaving about 1/16" (1.6mm) overlapped so it does not
pull away.
It's very important to the integrity of the wing center-
section joint that you remove as much covering material from the root ribs
as possible. Do not omit this procedure or the wing center-section joint
may fail during flight.
Locate and draw a vertical centerline on one side of the wing joiner.
The wing joiner is straight. There is no top or bottom.
Test-fit the wing joiner into each wing panel. It should slide easily into
each wing panel, up to the centerline you drew.
When the wing joiner is installed, it should not fit tightly
into the wing panels. It should actually be slightly loose. This will ensure
that when you glue the wing joiner into place, epoxy can get into the joints
between the wing joiner and the wing joiner mounting box. This will ensure
the strongest joint possible.
If the wing joiner does not fit properly, use 220 grit sandpaper with a sanding block to lightly sand the wing joiner until you are
satisfied with the fit.
Carefully slide both wing panels together with the wing joiner temporarily
installed (without using glue).
While holding the two wing panels together firmly, make sure that the wing panels are lined up at both the leading and trailing
edges, then look carefully at the center-section joint: the wing panels should fit together tightly with few or no gaps in the joint.
If the wing panels do not fit together properly, remove the wing joiner and use 220 grit sandpaper with a sanding
block to lightly sand the edges and tips of the wing joiner until you are satisfied with the fit. Remember, when the wing panels are
pushed together, there should be few or no gaps in the center-section joint.
steP 4: joiNiNG tHe WiNG PaNeLs
When satisfied with the fit and alignment, pull the wing panels apart and
remove the wing joiner.
Apply a strip of masking tape to the top and bottom edges of the root rib
on each wing panel.
The masking tape will prevent excess epoxy from getting onto the wing
panels when you join them.