This section describes our recommendations to help you in deciding which types of accessories to purchase for your new airplane.
Please read through this entire section very carefully. We have provided you with recommendations that,
if followed, will result in a great flying airplane. Failure to follow our recommendations may result in a poor
flying airplane.
our reCoMMeNDatioNs - eLeCtriC PoWer sYsteM
WHat PoWer sYsteM sHouLD i use?
WHat raDio sYsteM aND servos sHouLD i use?
Here's a List of WHat We useD to fiNisH tHe eLeCtriC versioN sHoWN iN tHese iNstruCtioNs
QTY. 1
Hitec Eclipse 7 FM Radio Control System
QTY. 1 108520 KMS Quantum 4120/05 Brushless Outrunner Motor
QTY. 1 759134 Hitec Electron 6 FM Receiver
QTY. 1 701459 Castle Creations Phoenix 60 Amp Brushless ESC
QTY. 1 609288 APC 13 x 6 Composite Propeller
QTY. 1 866293 Dubro 2-1/4" Diameter Black Spinner
QTY. 1 440501 Cirrus CS501 Low Profile Ball Bearing Servo
QTY. 3 440601 Cirrus CS601 Standard Ball Bearing Servos
QTY. 1 182278 Impulse Power 4C 4000mAH LiPO Battery
QTY. 1 158370 Pro-Peak Quattro LiPO Charger
WHat otHer iteMs Do i NeeD?
The Cirrus servos are compatible with all receiver types. The Hitec Electron 6 FM receiver is negative shift that's compatible with
Hitec and Futaba transmitters. This receiver is also available in positive shift mode for Airtronics and JR transmitters. The Electron 6 FM receiver
requires a Hitec 72Mhz FM crystal purchased separately that's the same frequency as your transmitter.
There really isn't too much else that you'll need to finish the airplane. Most of the hardware is included, so about the only thing else
you'll need is a spinner, hook and loop material, heat-shrink tubing, double-sided tape and high-quality connectors for your ESC,
Motor and LiPO battery.
For the best flight performance, we suggest trying to keep the ready-to-fly weight of the airplane as light as possible. For the most
power, lightest weight and best performance, we suggest using a direct drive, brushless Outrunner motor, such as the KMS Quantum
4120/05 brushless motor, APC 13 x 6 composite propeller, Castle Creations Phoenix 60 amp brushless ESC and Impulse Power
4C 4000mAH LiPO battery. This combination will provide ample power, resulting in great overall flight characteristics.
To get the most out of the airplane, we suggest using a four or more channel computer radio system
with mixing capabilities. Since the ailerons use separate servos, they can be plugged separately into
the receiver, allowing you the capability of flaperon and spoileron mixing, differential mixing and
flaperon/spoileron to elevator mixing. The transmitter should also feature dual rates and exponential
adjustments. Most computer radio systems will include all these features, plus many more.
For the elevator, you will need to use a low profile servo.
For throttle control, a standard non-ball
bearing standard servo can be used. We recommend using a Cirrus CS501 Ball Bearing Low Profile
servo for elevator control and Cirrus CS601 Ball Bearing Standard servos for aileron and rudder control.
Although you would lose mixing capabilities, the airplane can be flown using a basic four-channel radio control system. If you do this,
you will need to use a servo Y-Harness to join the two aileron servos together.
KMS Quantum 4120/05 Brushless Outrunner Motor
Castle Creations Phoenix 60A Brushless ESC
APC 13 x 6 Composite Propeller
Impulse Power 4C 4000mAH LiPO Battery
Pro-Peak Quattro LiPO DC Charger
QTY. 1 158104 X'TRA 4mm Gold Connector Set
QTY. 1 869020 Dubro Double-Sided Tape
QTY. 1 568906 Dubro Hook and Loop Material
QTY. 1 867895 Dubro 1/4" Heat-Shrink Tubing