APPENDIX A. Instruction on fire safety measures
1 General provisions
1.1 The present instruction has been composed to ensure fire safety when
operating the automated slide stainer according to TU 266012-007-23475651-2018 in the
following models: FS-9-25, FS-9-25 (further – Stainer).
Some technological operations, executed with the Stainer, require the usage of
highly flammable liquids (HFL) and combustible liquids (CL): methanol, ethanol, xylene,
etc. The main risks of fire development are connected with HFL.
2 Requirements to the room
2.1 The room where the stainer will be operated must satisfy local fire safety
requirements. The room must be equipped with fire-extinguishing means according to the
current standards. A free passage to fire-extinguishing appliances and electric gauges,
situated in the room, must be provided.
2.2 The ignition source, connected with the Stainer, must be extinguished with
either a CO2 or a freon fire extinguisher. A CO2 fire extinguisher is charged with dioxide. A
freon fire extinguisher is charged with halogenated extinguishing agent. The volume of a
fire extinguisher must be not less than 2 l.
2.3 It is forbidden to leave unattended heating appliances that are switched on, to
use appliances with open heating elements, to use defective heating appliances, to smoke
in the room where the stainer is operated. It is not allowed to use a naked flame, to carry
out hot works, to store combustible materials and waste in volumes excessing the need for
a shift
3 Safety measures when handling HFL and CL
3.1. Highly flammable and combustible liquids can be stored in working rooms in
the amount not exceeding the need of a shift, under the approved norms, in either thick-
walled glasses or non-breakable vessels with tight corks, placed in a metal case with a lid.
3.2. It is unacceptable to store the substances, chemical interaction of which can
cause fire or explosion together.
3.3. The liquids must be delivered in the rooms in closed safe containers.
3.4. The working surfaces of tables and exhaust hoods, intended for working with
the stainer and HFL, must have a coating and skirting made of incombustible materials.
The skirtings, which prevent liquids from flowing down, must be flawless.