1.3 «Operations» (4) – the list of technological operations in the selected
technological program.
Button for adding of new technological operation.
Button for deleting technological operation.
Operations can be swapped using the Drag and Drop method.
1.4 <Operation> (5) - a setting of the selected operation
Selection of a reagent (station).
If there is no station with a reagent, the selected reagent
will be installed in the first available station (PARKING)
Selection of the type of manipulator action
(immersion or dipping)
Depending on the selected reagent and the type of action, you can set the agitation time,
the number of dips, or the time of immersion.
1.6 Selector of the window: «CONFIGURATION» or «CHART» (6)
Going to «CHART» window is fulfiled by clicking on the Chart button.
1.7 «Station» (7) - settings of the selected station.
When selecting an operation, the station is selected automatically.
is a number of
station. Depending on the selected reagent or the type of station, appropriate station
settings will be available.
1.8 «Stations» (8) – configuration of the Stainer and selection of stations.
Selection of the configuration of the Stainer. The selection of the station is fulfilled by clicking
on the appropriate symbolic rectangle. When writing a new program, it is advisable to create
a configuration first.
1.9 – «Program» (9) - setting of the selected technology program.