Figure 21. Configuration of station No. 1 <DRYER>.
- < STATION APPLICATION > parameter < DRYING > – not editable.
- <REAGENT> parameter <AIR> – not editable.
- <MODE> parameter <+> – modes of heating of air in the drying station.
Pressing the button switches between modes <> (weak) and
<+> (strong).
At the mode <> (weak), the temperature of the airflow is ~ 40ºС (the air is
heated by ~15 – 20 ºС). At the mode <+> (strong), the temperature of the airflow
is ~ 55ºС (the air is heated by ~ 20 – 25 ºС).
The station <FLOW-THROUGH> (station No. 2) has the following configuration
parameters (Fig. 22):
Figure 22. Configuration of station No. 2 <FLOW-THROUGH>.
- < STATION APPLICATION > parameter < FLOW-THROUGH > – not editable.
- <REAGENT> parameter <TAP WATER> – not editable.