5.4 Menu section «PROCESS»: loading and unloading of racks. Processing of
racks with slides according to a given technological program
After the technological program is selected and the troughs with reagents are properly
arranged, press the button START OF PROCESS in the
Main menu.
After pressing the
button START OF PROCESS, the Stainer offers to load racks with slides in Stainer.
5.4.1 Automated system for loading and unloading racks through the gateway
The Stainer is equipped with an automated system for racks loading and unloading
through the gateway (used by default), which works when the lid of the machine is closed.
This system simplifies the work of laboratory personnel and prevents the possibility of
incorrect loading, unloading of racks, and minimize pollution in laboratory air from Stainer
working chamber.
Figure 26. Opened gateway.
27 – tray of gateway (parking station №9); 34 –gateway lid.
The gateway system (Fig. 26) consists of the gateway lid (34), and gateway tray
(27), which serves for loading and unloading racks. When the gateway closed, the
gateway tray is located in station №9. There is a rack presence sensor in the gateway tray
with an LED indicator on the gateway lid. When the LED indicator glows green, the station
№ 9 is free. The automated loading and unloading system is controlled with the sensor
screen. By default, parking station # 9 has priority for processing the rack, i.e., the rack
from this station is processed first.