MK-Scarifier MaiNTeNaNce
Verify the Cutting Drum and
Shaft are fully installed and
Install the Shaft, Inner Re-
taining Nut.
Using a 15/16-inch socket
tighten the Shaft, Inner
Retaining Nut.
Obtain the Shaft, Outer
Retaining Nut.
Install the Shaft, Outer
Retaining Nut.
Using a 15/16-inch socket
tighten the Shaft, Outer
Retaining Nut.
Install the Shaft, Retaining
Nut Cover onto the
Belt Guard.
Pivot the Shaft Guard Cover
into position and install the
Rear Retaining Bolt.
Tighten the Shaft Guard Cover
Retaining Bolts using 9/16
wrenches and/or sockets.