Some engines utilize a Venturi Vacuum Ampliier
that uses the weak vacuum signal from the throat of
the carburetor to allow the passage of the stronger
intake manifold vacuum to operate the EGR valve.
On most applications the ampliier provides a ” Hg
boost to the Venturi signal (FIGURE 10).
1) Start the engine, and run it at idle until it reaches
normal operating temperature.
) Make sure the intake manifold hose to the
ampliier is properly connected. On those systems
with a reservoir, remove the hose from the reser-
voir and use a tee connector to join the hose to the
intake manifold vacuum hose.
3) With separate lengths of hose and different
connectors, bypass any and all vacuum valves or
coolant controlled valves between the ampliier
and the EGR valve.
4) Use a tee connector to attach the pump into the
vacuum line between the ampliier and EGR valve.
5) Increase engine speed to 1500 to 000 RPM
and release the throttle. Let the engine return to
idle speed and remove the vacuum hose at the
carburetor venturi. The vacuum reading should be
within ± 0.3” Hg of the speciied boost for that
ampliier if other than zero boost is speciied.
Zero boost may read from 0 to .5” Hg. Replace
ampliier if it is out of speciication.
6) Increase engine speed. Watching the vacuum
gauge, release the accelerator after a speed of
1500 to 000 RPM is reached. If the vacuum gauge
reading shows an increase greater than 1” Hg
during acceleration period, the ampliier should
be replaced.
7) Remove the pump from the output vacuum
line and reconnect the hoses, but still bypass other
valves. Connect the pump and apply to 4” Hg of
vacuum to port on the ampliier which is normally
connected to intake manifold vacuum. The EGR
valve should operate and engine idle should drop or
become erratic. If the EGR valve fails to move,
replace the ampliier.
The Back-pressure Transducer Valve (BPV) controls
the amount of EGR according to the load on the
engine. An exhaust pressure probe extends into
the exhaust crossover passageway to sample the
exhaust gas pressure. During light engine loads,
the pressure in the exhaust passageway is relatively
low, while during wide-open throttle operation
(WOT), the pressure is highest. This pressure signal
is transmitted to a diaphragm in the BPV and is used
to control the amount of vacuum applied to the EGR
valve (FIGURE 11).
1) Remove the air cleaner and plug the intake
manifold itting. Start the engine and bring it to
normal operating temperature. Position the fast-idle
cam follower on the second step of the fast-idle cam
(to obtain about 1500 RPM), and then note engine
speed on a tachometer. Use the pump to check the
source vacuum at an intake manifold port (FIGURE
1). Note this reading.
) Tee your pump into the vacuum passageway to
the BPV and the reading should be 1 to ” Hg of
vacuum. Replace the BPV if it is not within speciica-
3) Leave the vacuum gauge at this location, remove
the hose to the EGR valve, and plug the hose open-
ing. Read the vacuum pump gauge, which should be
the same as the intake manifold vacuum reading. If
it is not within ” Hg of the source vacuum, replace
the BPV valve.
To Distributor
EGR Thermal
Vacuum Valve
Exposed to Exhaust Gas Pressure
Page Number - 16
Form 8433