R000226 BP1 Automation
v.0.1 03/21
The command editor window allows you to specify which device the command goes to
(projector, player, or any other output device configured in the ICMP-X), the actual
command sent, and a delay in milliseconds from the cue being fired until the command is
sent. The delay function can be used to sequence multiple commands within a cue.
In this example, a signal received on GPI 1 (fire alarm active) will cause DCP playback to
be paused, and then, half a second later, the projector’s dowser to close. How you select
and configure these commands will depend on how you want the fire alarm procedure to
work in your theater.
After this is done, repeat the process for GPI 2. You will configure the cues according to
the actions shown in Figure 6-11.
GPI Input
1 Fire alarm active
2 Fire alarm released or
GPI 3 through 8 are unused by the BP1
Figure 6-11
Configuring the Projector GPO Cues
9. Navigate to Automation
GPO Status.
Figure 6-12