Potential Causes
• Leak in nozzle circuit.
• System Setup does not reflect installed system – 1) more nozzles
installed than entered, 2) actual nozzle flow rate is much greater
than estimated nozzle flow rate in the controller 3) the tolerance in
the error calculation is too small.
Diagnostic Steps
• Confirm system setup: nozzle count (NOZ in SETUP Menu)
equals nozzles installed, nozzle flow rate (NFR in DATA Menu) is
reasonable (35 – 50 ml/min) and tolerance (TOL in DATA Menu) is
75% or greater.
• Look for leaks in the nozzle circuit.
• Note about Slow/Small Leaks: During the hours between mists,
fluid can leak out of a fitting, that is potentially buried underground,
and drain the nozzle circuit. The next time the unit mists, the
nozzle circuit must be refilled completely and this may be a large
enough additional volume to cause ERR3. Small leaks are
notoriously difficult to troubleshoot because it takes an extended
period for the nozzle circuit to drain and cause ERR3 to be
displayed. That is, the error condition does not occur while the
user is on site troubleshooting the issue.
Leak Detection ERR3** – MIST volume greater than expected
Section 7
Troubleshooting and Error Codes
** Applies only to units equipped with optional leak detection
Potential Causes
• Failed pump or motor or controller.
• Clogged pump intake filter
• Clogged or failed flowmeter.
• NOTE: If number of nozzles is less than 20 and/or mist duration is
less than 30 seconds, system flow rate may be too low for leak
detection device to register positive flow, causing an ERR2
Diagnostic Steps
• Run manual mist and observe the pressure gauge and mist
• If no mist, but you can hear motor noise then pump has
probably failed or intake filter is completely clogged. If no
motor noise, either motor or controller has failed.
• If unit is misting, flowmeter has clogged or failed. Remove and
clean flowmeter and retry.
Leak Detection ERR2**– Flowmeter value is zero after MIST
Section 7
Troubleshooting and Error Codes
** Applies only to units equipped with optional leak detection