followed by the countdown timer screen or will go directly to the countdown
timer screen if the time to add specimen is less than 30 seconds away.
When the screen counts down to zero, the system is ready for specimen
application, as indicated by the following screen with a flashing arrow.
The specimen must be applied within two minutes to prevent
Specimen Collection
Prior to testing, make sure the patient‘s hand is warm
and relaxed before collecting the capillary blood
specimen. Use warm water to increase blood flow if
necessary. Massage the hand from the wrist up to
the fingertip a few times to encourage blood flow.
Clean the testing site with an alcohol swab or by
washing the hands with warm soapy water and then
dry the testing site thoroughly.
Carefully rotate and pull off the protective cap. Press
the lancet against the puncture site tightly to lance the
skin. Discard the lancet in an appropriate sharps
Gently massage the surrounding area toward the
puncture site to collect the required blood volume.
Apply the specimen to the specimen well on the test