Kaleido-X (7RU)
Quick Start Guide
In addition to the above, you will need the following (not supplied):
• Up to 12 displays
• A dedicated 100Base-T Ethernet switch with enough ports for all multi-viewer output modules, client
PCs, Kaleido-RCP2, and Audio Bridge Terminals
• Client PC (see below for system requirements)
• Cables (to connect your multi-viewer to video sources, to displays, and to the network):
System Requirements for a Client PC
A client PC running Windows XP (or Windows 7) is required to access the XAdmin Web client, as well as to
run the XEdit application.
Cable type
For Ethernet connectivity
Display cables
Either extension modules—for example Miranda’s DXF-200
(part number DXF-200-A)—or DVI cables
Video cables
Standard coaxial cables with BNC connectors
Minimum Configuration
minimum 1 GB of RAM
minimum Pentium 4 at 1 GHz
2 GB of RAM
Pentium 4 at 2 GHz
Hard Disk
At least 125 MB free