Kaleido-X (7RU)
Quick Start Guide
To install XEdit:
1. From a workstation on the same subnet as the multi-viewer, open a Web browser window and type
the IP address of the multi-viewer in the address bar.
The Kaleido-X home page appears:
2. Click the
The system will automatically detect the J2SE version on your computer, and, if necessary, will prompt
you to install version 1.6.0 update 20 (refer to “Installing the Java Runtime Environment” on page 27,
for details).
3. If the
Opening MEdit.jnlp
window appears, click OK.
To use XEdit, you must have Java Runtime Environment (J2SE) version 1.6.0 update 20 installed on
your PC or laptop. Click the link at the bottom of the page to download the installer for the J2SE version
required to use XEdit. See “Installing the Java Runtime Environment” on page 27, for details.