| XVP-3901
[Path #1]
[Generator 1]
[Extended BSI]
Preferred Stereo Downmix
Lt/Rt Center Mix Level
Lt/Rt Surround Mix Level
LoRo Center Mix Level
LoRo surround Mix Level
Surround EX mode
Converter Type [Path #1]
Because there are many parameters to set for the generator, it is convenient to be able to save a configuration for
easy recall. The Presets tab offers several convenient functions for this purpose.
The XVP-3901 allows the user to save 10 configurations. These are labeled METADATA 1 to METADATA 10 by
default, but the user can edit the names via the
Edit Presets Labels…
button at the bottom of the tab.
In addition, the XVP-3901 is preloaded with two fixed data sets named Factory 2.0 and Factory 5.1.
The Current Generator Preset databox at the top of
the tab reports the current preset in use. If all
parameter values do not match the preset values,
the box will show “Custom”.
Generator Presets
pulldown gives access to all
12 available presets. The two buttons to the right
then allow two options:
Load – load the generator with the values
stored in the preset, overwriting the current
Save – overwrite the values stored in the
preset with the values currently set on the
card (only for the ten user-settable presets –
the Factory presets cannot be changed).
Save Probe To
pulldown gives access to the 10
user-settable presets. Once one is selected, clicking
on the Save button saves the values detected by the
probe into the user presets, in effect setting the
preset to match the current program stream.
Figure 5.64 [Path #1]
[Generator 1]
[Extended BSI]
Figure 5.65 [Path #1]