XVP-3901 |
data is detected. Meta / Timecode sub-tab
If the input is 3G or HD SDI, the ATC packet will be transcoded
to SD only when ATC timecode is present on the HD input
video. When enabled, timecode insertion is automatic when
there is embedded timecode in the source.
The XVP-3901 supports two types of incoming 3G/HD
ATC timecode conversion - VITC timecode and LTC
type timecode.
Timecode 1 parameters handle VITC type timecode
whereas LTC type timecode is handled by Timecode 2
The XVP-3901 does not pass LTC type timecode within
input HD formats
Timecode binary group data is not guaranteed for
1080p23/1080p23sF/1080p25/1080p29 input HD formats, but it will be transparent for all other input formats.
: A presence icon is available for each type of incoming ATC packet. The Timecode 1 Presence icon turns
green when VITC timecode is detected and the Timecode 2 Presence icon turns green when LTC timecode is
detected. If the input is SD, then the presence of each icon depends on the selection of the SD Detection Line
SD Detection Line
: This parameter is only available when the input signal is SD SDI, and is used only for timecode
presence. Select
mode to automatically detect the line that contains the timecode. If time code appears on
multiple lines, the first is selected. Select a specific line if desired; this allows a choice to be made when multiple time
code lines are present.
SD Insertion Line:
the line on which timecode is to be inserted is selectable through a pull-down menu, between lines
for 525-line output, and between lines
for 625-line output.
This control is disabled when the input is SD
forces a second copy of the time code to be inserted on the 2
line following the selected line. For
example, selecting line 14 for time code insertion, and turning timecode duplication
, will result in time code being
inserted into both lines 14 and 16. Note that time code cannot be inserted on lines outside the allowable range, so for
example, if line 19 is selected for time code insertion in a 525 line output, and timecode duplication is turned
, the
duplicate time code which would have appeared on line 21 will not be inserted because the upper bound for time code
is line 20. Thus, the timecode duplication function has no effect when the selected line for time code is 19 or above for
525-line outputs, or 21 or above for 625-line outputs.
This control is disabled when the input is SD
Insertion options are available through a pull-down menu, offering these choices:
AUTO: Time code is inserted if present; insertion is disabled if no time code is present.
Time code insertion at the output is disabled.
This control is disabled when the input and output are both SD. In this case, VBI Blanking may be used to
enable/disable time code insertion – see
sub-section above
Figure 5.33 Video Outputs SD - Meta/Timecode tab