| XVP-3901
5.3 Video Processing panel
This panel contains color-correction parameters that apply to
the input signal. You can configure the video processor
differently for an SD input than for a 3G/HD input. The card
will remember the different parameters and will load them
automatically without user intervention based on whether the
video input is SD or 3G/HD. Ensure the card has a video
signal of the desired format before changing the
Proc Mode:
Select whether the processing controls will be
presented in YCbCr or RGB format.
It is important to understand that gain/offset values from
the current Proc Mode will be applied to the newly
selected mode. This may cause adverse effect. To avoid
it, return the gain/offset values to their default values
RGB Gamut:
When ON, all illegal YCbCr colors in the RGB
space will be clipped to a legal value.
5.3.1 Basic tab
All Gain:
Sets Luma and Chroma gains, or G, B and R gains to a specific value. When other gains are individually set,
ALL GAIN reflects the average value of the combined gains.
The choice of processing mode made at the top of the panel determines what other controls are provided. The table
below lists the sliders and the available control ranges.
For gain control, a nominal value of 0 represents 100% gain, while -800 represents 0% gain, and +800
represents 200% gain.
Y Cb Cr mode
RGB mode
Slider name
Slider name
All gain
-800 to +800
All Gain
-800 to +800
Y Gain
-800 to +800
G Gain
-800 to +800
Chrominance Gain
-800 to +800
B Gain
-800 to +800
Black Offset
-100 to +100
R gain
-800 to +800
Hue (degrees)
-180 to +180
Figure 5.8 Video Processing panel – Basic tab