XVP-1801 |
Operation mode: TEST – color bar and audio test tones enabled (see Sect. 3.5.12)
Operation mode: Manual Freeze ON (see Sect. 3.5.2 – Freeze tab)
Icon #7 – Health Monitoring
Hardware OK
Hardware Health Monitoring (Fan1, Fan2, Hardware fault detected)
If this icon appears red, return the card to Miranda.
2. The left portion of the window contains all the parameter groups, which become highlighted when they
are selected; the main panel (4) then displays the group’s set of parameters. Each of the groups is described
in detail below.
3. The lower section of the window identifies the Preset currently in use, or “Custom” if none is applicable.
4. The main panel contains all the parameters specific to the group selected. It may contain several tabs to
help manage the different parameters.
Each of the panels associated with the groups accessed from the buttons in Section 2, and shown in Section
4, is described individually in the following sections.
3.5.2 The
This group allows input selection, second input
operation mode selection, and control of the
deglitcher and freeze functions. See figure 3.3.
Input Select
: choose one of the two inputs
connected to the rear panel. The
Carrier Detect
icon color indicates the status of the two input
signals: green if a carrier is present, grey if there is
no input, red if Key/fill mode is selected and there
is no signal on input 2.
The video input status in the top section (icon
#2 and error message) refers only to the
input selected here
Figure 3.3
Video Input group