Several cameras now use the Seiko
modular focal-plane shutters. Not all
camera manufacturers, however, provide
individual replacement parts. Many will
only supply the shutter as a complete
But, thanks to Minolta, you have a
choice — you can either replace the
module as a unit or you can repair the
shutter. Minolta does supply the parts in
dividually, and most of the XD-11 shutter
parts will interchange w ith those used in
other Seiko shutters.
Three screws hold the shutter module
to the mirror cage — tw o at the top of the
blade assembly, Fig. 72, and one at the
front of the fro n t plate (under the
leatherette near the self-timer lever). You
d o n 't have to remove the eyepiece blind
to reach the shutter-retaining screws as
we did in Fig. 72; just push the eyepiece
blind to its raised position.
However, the most common shutter
repair in the XD-11 doesn't require
separating the shutter from the mirror
cage. For most of the shutter repairs, you
need only clean the blades. Oil causes the
blades to stick together.
Sticking blades often chop off part of
the picture. You can spot the problem by
w atching the blades from the back of the
aperture as you release the shutter. If
there's oil on the blades, you'll note the
sluggish movement. In other cases, you
may find that the shutter occasionally
jams — the closing blade doesn't quite
complete its release movement. Then, by
pushing down the closing blade from the
back, you may be able to get the shutter
to operate for several cycles before jam
ming again. Again the problem results
from oil on the blades.
Seiko later modified the blades to
minimize the sticking problem. The new-
style blades have dimples which prevent
perfectly flat blade-to-blade contact.
To clean the blades, first remove the
four screws which hold the rear cover
plate, Fig. 72. As you lift off the rear
cover plate, w atch for loose parts. The
closing-blade set has six loose sections;
the opening-blade set has four loose sec
tions. You'll also find loose spacers and
Earlier shutters have loose washers
over the pivot posts, Fig. 73. Some ver
sions d o n 't have the washers; rather, they
have loose collars over the rear-cover
support posts. Lift out the loose washers
or collars. Then remove the six individual
sections of the closing-blade set. It helps
to keep the blade sections in their proper
sequence for reassembly reference. Fig.
Next lift out the aperture mask, Fig. 75,
and the four individual sections of the
opening- blade set, Fig. 76. In some ver
sions of the shutter, you'll find another pair
of washers over the pivot posts. Fig. 77.
Also note the loose shims and the loose
rubberlike dampers, Fig. 77. The dampers
serve to cushion the opening blade.
Some versions of the shutter have a white
Figure 72