6 HP Pump G Series • MLP-28/46S
The liquid outlet pressure can be controlled quite accurately by regulating the air drive pressure. The
pump will cycle rapidly initially and as it approaches an output pressure equal to the ratio times the air
drive pressure, it will gradually slow down and finally “stall”. Where it is necessary to obtain maximum
outlet flow rates up to a predetermined pressure, a Haskel Air Pilot Switch should be installed at the pump
outlet to automatically stop the pump at the final pressure. The airline regulator should be set at 125 psi.
A Haskel relief valve, to prevent over pressurization, should also be fitted as a safety precaution. See “Air
Pilot Switch” and “Regulating Relief Valves” in the MLP-46 catalog.
The shut/off speed control valve should be set to restrict the cycling speed to maximum of 200
cycles/minute if the duty is intermittent. For continuous duty, restrict the cycling speed to 100 cycles
/minute. (continued on page 7) Faster cycling rates are possible over short intervals. Excessive rates will
shorten maintenance cycle. Consult factory or Haskel distributor for details.
Performance Data – G Series – 6 HP
Design under the Line
1. Determine minimum SCFM AIR
that will be available to power the
pump. If different from any
shown, estimate between lines.
2. Shade in all the area UNDER the
SCFM line and/or PSI line
(whichever is lower).
3. Use the pump for any fluid FLOW
and PRESSURE combination
within the shaded area.
NOTE: Performance curves are for Air Drive Pressure and flow conditions at inlet port. A slight allowance
should be considered for restrictions normally found with standard air controls and inlet piping.