37 Link Integrity
Fig. 35. Link integrity settings.
When the Ethernet LAN interface is detected to be disconnected from the wired network,
all currently associated wireless clients are disassociated by the AP and no wireless
client can associate with the AP. The detection mechanism is based on pinging the IP
address specified in
Reference host
. Association Control
Fig. 36. Association control settings.
If the number of currently associated wireless clients exceeds the value specified in the
Max number of clients
setting, no more wireless client can associate with the AP. If
traffic load of the AP exceeds the load specified in the
Block clients if traffic load ex-
setting, no more wireless client can associate with the AP. AP Load Balancing
Fig. 37. AP load balancing settings.
Several Aps can form a load-balancing group if they are set with the same
Group ID
The load-balancing policy can be by
Number of Users
or by
Traffic Load
If the
policy is selected, a new wireless user can only associate with
an AP that has the smallest number of associated wireless users in the group. On the
other hand, if the
by-traffic-load policy
is selected, a new wireless user can only associ-
ate with an AP that has the less traffic load in the group.