Technical Information
G 600/G 800
Figure 4-14:
Water Hardness Mixer Solenoid
Electronically Controlled Water Hardness (EGS)
To avoid possible glass corrosion, the wash water hardness level should not exceed
or fall below
45 ppm in programs with heating
71 ppm in programs without heating
With water hardness below 286 ppm (under 232 ppm in heating steps), solenoid
valve Y5 is activated to add a proportion of hard water to the cabinet. The proportion
added in this way is fixed and depends on the supply water hardness level
programmed into the electronic.
The EGS system is not active in all wash programs, but it can be programmed if
required. The additional Top solo function has no influence on the EGS system.
The EGS system is not active in the following cases:
In programs Universal Plus 55°, Universal Plus 65° or Economy (standard
If the programmed water hardness is above 286 ppm.
In the program when the softener is being reactivated.
When flushing the water softener after reactivation.
If no water softener is installed.
If the “Without Softener” function has been programmed.
If a water softener is installed but has been deactivated (programmed for “without
softener”), then the incoming water flows directly into the cabinet via the solenoid
valve only. However, a small quantity (approximately 1 liter) of water still flows
through the water softener system to prevent mold from forming.
Water Softener
The water softener consists of 2 compartments - a salt container and an ion
chamber. It also has a mechanical non-return valve, a solenoid valve and a reed
switch/magnetic float switch.