Sub-1GHz Module Datasheet
The ATSAMR30M18A is an IEEE
-2003/2006/2011-compliant RF module for the sub-1 GHz ISM bands,
such as 780 MHz (China), 868 MHz (Europe) and 915 MHz (North America), optimized for low-power applications.
This module combines the ATSAMR30E18A SiP (System in Package), 16 MHz crystal oscillator, discrete balun,
lumped element harmonic reject filter and required RF shielding in a compact 12.7 mm x 11.0 mm design. The
module as implemented on the Xplained Pro development board has passed regulatory approvals with chip antenna
or SMA connectorized monopole antenna.
This data sheet provides only a brief overview of the necessary sections of the module. For a detailed description of
each peripheral, refer to the
• Processor
-M0+ CPU running at up to 48 MHz
• Single-cycle hardware multiplier
• Micro Trace Buffer (MTB)
• Memories
– 256 KB in-system self-programmable Flash
– 32 KB SRAM
– 8 KB low-power RAM
• System
– Power-on Reset (POR) and Brown-out Detection (BOD)
– Internal clock option with 48 MHz Digital Frequency Locked Loop (DFLL48M) and 48 MHz to 96 MHz
Fractional Digital Phase Locked Loop (FDPLL96M)
– External Interrupt Controller (EIC)
– Up to 14 external interrupts
– One non-maskable interrupt
– Two-pin Serial Wire Debug (SWD) programming, test and debugging interface
• Low Power
– Idle and Standby Sleep modes
– Sleep walking peripherals
• Integrated Ultra-Low Power Transceiver for 700/800/900 MHz ISM Band:
– Chinese WPAN band from 779 to 787 MHz
– European SRD band from 863 to 870 MHz
– North American ISM band from 902 to 928 MHz
– Japanese band from 915 to 930 MHz
• Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum with Different Modulation and Data Rates:
– BPSK with 20 and 40 kb/s, compliant to IEEE 802.15.4-2003/2006/2011
– O-QPSK with 100 and 250 kb/s, compliant to IEEE 802.15.4-2006/2011
– O-QPSK with 200, 400, 500 and 1000 kb/s PSDU data rate
2018-2021 Microchip Technology Inc.
and its subsidiaries
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