background image

E conom ical  Driving  ind icato r


(E C O N O M Y )

The  in d ic a to r s h o w s  th e  fu e l c o n ­
s u m p tio n  te n d e n c y  d u rin g  v a rio u s 
d riv in g   m odes.

H igh fue l  c o n s u m p tio n   is  in d ic a te d   if 

th e   p o in te r m ove s  in to  th e   red  area; 

e c o n o m ic a l d riv in g   is in d ic a te d  w h e n  
it is in th e   b la c k  area. The  in d ic a tio n s  

s h o u ld   on ly be c o m p a re d  w h e n   d riv ­
ing w ith in  th e   sam e  gear.

Do n o t c o m p a re  fue l  c o n s u m p tio n  

re a d in g s   b e tw e e n   d iffe re n t ge ars.  The 

fo llo w in g   rule a p p lie s :  If y ou  drive at 
equal  sp e e d s,  th e  fu e l  c o n s u m p tio n   is 

lo w e r in th e   h ig h e r gear,  a lth o u g h   in 

th is  ge ar th e   p o in te r is  m o re  fr e ­
q u e n tly  in th e   red area.

Traveling Abroad

A b ro a d , th e re   is a w id e ly -s p re a d  
M E R C E D E S -B E N Z   s e rv ic e   n e tw o rk  at 

y o u r d is p o s a l.  If you  plan to  tra v e l  in to  
areas w h ic h  are  n o t  lis te d   in th e   in d e x 

o f y o u r d e a le r d ire c to ry , y ou  s h o u ld  
re q u e s t  p e rtin e n t  in fo rm a tio n  fro m  

y o u r a u th o riz e d   M E R C E D E S -B E N Z  


W in ter Driving

Have y o u r c a r w in te riz e d  at y o u r

a u th o riz e d   M E R C E D E S -B E N Z

de aler b e fo re   th e  o n s e t o f w in te r.


E ngine  oil  c h a n g e :  If  “ y e a r-ro u n d ”  
m u ltig ra d e  e n g in e   oil  is  n o t used, 
be  s u re  to   use  a S A E  g ra d e   ba sed 

on a m b ie n t te m p e ra tu re .  For 
re c o m m e n d e d   e n g in e   oil v is c o s i­
tie s  re fe r to   “ Fuels,  C o o la n ts , 
L u b ric a n ts ,  e tc .”   and  la st page.


C h e c k  e n g in e  c o o la n t a n tic o rro ­
s io n /a n tifre e z e  c o n c e n tra tio n .


A d d itiv e  fo r  th e   w in d s h ie ld   w a s h e r 
and  he ad la m p  c le a n in g   s y s te m : 
A d d   M B   C o n c e n tra te   “ S ”  to  th e  
p re m ix e d  w in d s h ie ld  w a s h e r s o l­
v e n t w h ic h   is fo rm u la te d   fo r   b e lo w  

fre e z in g  te m p e ra tu re s   (see

page  48).


T est  b a tte ry :  B a tte ry  c a p a c ity  
d ro p s  w ith   d e c re a s in g  a m b ie n t 
te m p e ra tu re .  A  w e ll c h a rg e d   b a t­
te ry  e n s u re s  th a t th e   e n g in e   can 
alw ays  be  s ta rte d ,  even  at  lo w  
a m b ie n t te m p e ra tu re s .

•   T ire s:  W e  re c o m m e n d   M +  S  radial 

tire s   on  all fo u r w h e e ls  fo r  th e  w in ­
te r sea son .  O b s e rv e   p e rm is s ib le  

m axim um   sp e e d  fo r M +  S  radial 

tire s  and th e   legal  s p e e d   lim it.

T ire   C h a in s

Use  o n ly  tire  c h a in s  th a t are te s te d  

and  re c o m m e n d e d   by M E R C E D E S - 

B E N Z. Y o u r a u th o riz e d   M E R C E D E S - 
B E N Z  de a le r w ill  be  glad to  ad vise you 

on th is  s u b je c t.

C h ains  s h o u ld  o n ly  be  use d  on th e  
rea r w h e e ls . A d h e re  to  th e   m a n u fa c ­

t u r e r ’s m o u n tin g   in s tru c tio n s .

A fte r  d riv in g   a s h o rt  d is ta n c e   re tig h t- 

en  th e   m o u n te d   chains.

T ire c h a in s  s h o u ld  o n ly  be  driven  on 

s n o w  at s p e e d s   n o t to  e x c e e d  

50  k m /h   (30  m ph ).  R em ove  cha in s as 

s o o n  as  p o s s ib le  w h e n   d riv in g   on 
ro a d s  w ith o u t sno w .

F or tip s  on  d riv in g   on  s lip p e ry  w in te r 
ro a d s   re fe r to   page  18.








Содержание 300 TE 124 T 1988

Страница 1: ...hHi i i i...

Страница 2: ...ded inflation pressures remove unnecessary loads remove ski racks or roof m ounted luggage racks when not in use allow engine to warm up under low load use avoid frequent acceleration and deceleration...

Страница 3: ...Owner s Manual 300 TE Model 124 T 1988...

Страница 4: ...modify the technical details of the vehicle as given in the data and illustrations of this O wner s Manual s e e o Reprinting translation and copying even of excerpts is not perm itted w ithout our pr...

Страница 5: of service Your MERCEDES BENZ represents the efforts of many skilled engineers and craftsmen To ensure your pleasure of ownership we ask you to make a small investment of your time Please read this...

Страница 6: ...n System W arranty Em ission Perform ance W arranty California Emission Control System W arranty California Only 4 Maintenance The M aintenance B ooklet describes all the necessary maintenance w ork w...

Страница 7: ...plan to operate your vehicle in foreign countries please be aware that unleaded fuels fo r vehicles w ith catalytic converters may not be available the use of leaded fuels will dam age the catalysts f...

Страница 8: ...ons herein may vary slightly from the actual equipment ofyour vehicle If there are any equipment details that are not shown or des cribed in this Owner s Manual your authorized MERCEDES BENZ dealer wi...

Страница 9: ...Instruments and Controls Starting the Engine Driving Instructions Service and Maintenance Operation Driving Practical Hints I I I Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc Consumer Information...

Страница 10: ...000 miles at m oderate vehicle and engine speeds During this period avoid heavy loads full throttle driving and high RPM no m ore than 2 3 of maximum perm is sible speed in each gear Avoid acceleratin...

Страница 11: ...Instructions Service and Maintenance Instrum ents and C ontrols 10 Instrum ent Cluster 12 Indicator Lamp Sym bols 13 Catalytic C onverter Cautions 14 Starting and Turning off the Engine 15 Driving Ins...

Страница 12: ...rtm ent illuminated only w ith key in steering lock positions 1 or 2 10 15 Rear w indow defroster sw itch page 52 16 Sw itch fo r rear w indow washer and w iper system page 47 17 Switch fo r rear w in...

Страница 13: ...I 11 I r e i i...

Страница 14: ...eft green 6 Knob fo r instrum ent lamps and trip odom eter Rotate k n o b to vary intensity of instrum ent lamps Depress knob to reset trip odom eter 7 Speedom eter 8 Main odom eter 9 Trip odom eter 1...

Страница 15: ...8 Coolant level low See page 69 Fluid level fo r w indshield and headlamp washer system low See page 69 Exterior light failure See page 68 ABS m alfunction See page 67 I SRS CHECK ENGINE SRS m alfunct...

Страница 16: ...nance instructions as outlined in your maintenance booklet Caution To prevent damage to the catalytic converters use only premium unleaded gasoline in this vehicle Should any noticeable irregularities...

Страница 17: ...ator is depressed slowly at the beginning of the starting pro cess Turning off Turn the key to steering lock posi tion 0 and only rem ove the key when the vehicle is stopped If the coolant tem peratur...

Страница 18: ...proxim ately 50 km h 30 mph on a dry straight road Apply brake lightly until a slight drag on the wheels is felt Keep applying brake fo r about 10 seconds while pulling the release handle out before r...

Страница 19: ...Depending on the depth of the w ater layer on the road aquaplaning may occur even at low speeds and w ith new tires Avoid track grooves in the road and apply brakes cautiously in the rain Tire tracti...

Страница 20: and steering action Do not use the cruise control system under such conditions When the vehicle is in danger of skid ding move selector lever to position N Try to keep the vehicle under control by...

Страница 21: ...000 miles Tires Inspect every 12 000 km 7500 miles A ir filter Clean or replace elem ent every 24 000 km 15 000 miles Note Severe operating conditions or heavy use include predom inant city or short d...

Страница 22: ......

Страница 23: ...ractors Driver A ir Bag Split Rear Bench Seat Cargo Com partm ent below Cargo Space Floor 22 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 35 36 42 43 Operation Rear Facing Bench Seat 44 Retractable partition net...

Страница 24: ...nd air distribution w ithin the vehicle s interior will be autom atically controlled This is accom plished w ith the tem perature selector 1 the pushbuttons 2 and the fan control buttons 3 The adjusta...

Страница 25: ...r lamp to light up A fter a while the air recirculation mode will sw itch off autom atically including the indicator lamp By pressing the sym bol side of the air recirculation sw itch when cooling The...

Страница 26: ...In the heating mode warm air is prim arily directed to the footw ells and to the adjustable air outlets 8 Enough air is supplied to the w indshield to keep the glass defogged in normal weather condit...

Страница 27: ...nd shield foo t area and to outlets 8 Additionally air may be em itted periodically from outlets 6 depending on the interior tem perature In the cooling mode cool air is supplied to the w ind shield f...

Страница 28: directed to the windshield and adjustable air outlets 8 independent of the positions of the tem perature selector and fan control buttons 0 The fresh air supply to the car interior is shut off Whil...

Страница 29: ...nd tailgate w ith the m aster key Flat Key T The flat key w ith a red dot fits all vehicle locks A rm s disarm s the anti theft alarm system We recom m end that you carry the flat key w ith you and ke...

Страница 30: ...tside using the m aster key at any time The driver s door can be locked only if it is closed and the door lock has properly engaged O pening the Doors From outside pull handle 1 outwards From inside p...

Страница 31: ...stopped the tailgate can be re opened Warning To prevent possible personal injury always keep hands and fingers away from the tailgate opening when clos ing the tailgate The electric power assisted me...

Страница 32: ...system can only be engaged if the key is rem oved from the ignition sw itch and or is rein serted in the ignition sw itch w ithout being turned key in position 0 If the car has been locked from the o...

Страница 33: ...e form of blinking exterior lamps At the same tim e an additional horn will sound interm it tently for 60 seconds pause for 30 seconds and repeat for another 60 seconds The alarm will stay on even if...

Страница 34: restraint when the w earer is in an upright position and the belts are properly positioned on the body Storing seat and head restraint posi tions in m em ory left front seat on ly D M em ory button...

Страница 35: put into motion The inflation pressure of the air cush ion can be continuously varied between position 0 w ithout pres sure and position 4 maximum pressure by changing the pressure regulator 1 set...

Страница 36: ...a slight resistance Warning The arm rest does not suffice as a child restraint system In case of a frontal collision a child can be cata pulted forward over the locked arm rest Infants and small chil...

Страница 37: ...upper sw itch p o rtio n position 1 normal heater operation one indicator lamp lights up Push in lower sw itch portion position 2 rapid heating both indicator lamps light up A fter approxim ately 5 m...

Страница 38: belt use Seat Belt W arning System W ith the key in steering lock position 2 a warning buzzer sounds fo r a short tim e if the driver s seat belt is not fastened When som eone enters the car the re...

Страница 39: ...the seat belt upon severe frontal im pacts w ithin the shaded area shown on page 38 The locking function of the reel may be checked by quickly pulling out the belt Lap belt fo r m iddle of rear seat...

Страница 40: ...on Position the lap belt as low as possible around the hips not the waist Children are safer when properly restrained in the rear seating positions than in the front seat ing positions Infants and sma...

Страница 41: ...o a self check crash sensor air bag ignition circuit driver and front passenger seat belt buckles Initially when the key is turned from steering lock position 0 to positions 1 or 2 m alfunctions in th...

Страница 42: ...for the Supple mental Restraint System Seat Belts Emergency Tensioning Retractor and Air Bag Warning Damaged belts or belts that were highly stressed in an acci dent must be replaced and their anchor...

Страница 43: ...l children should be seated in an infant or child restraint system w hich is properly secured by a lap belt or lap belt portion of a lap shoulder belt and that com plies with U S Federal M otor Vehicl...

Страница 44: ...y Pull the head restraint up to its high est position Depress the release but ton next to the left head restraint post and pull out the head restraint The release button will autom atically return to...

Страница 45: ...on be sure to lock the respective seat cush ion into its hinges In addition when transporting extrem ely long items push forw ard fron t passenger seat rem ove head restraint and lower backrest to the...

Страница 46: ...ed w ith the m aster key Removal Press the tw o seat latches tow ards the center of the car and pull the seat cushion up a little and then back Installation Place the seat cushion on the floo r of the...

Страница 47: recom m ended to load the vehicle according to the illus trations shown w ith the heaviest item s being placed tow ards the front of the vehicle The total load w eight including passengers and lugg...

Страница 48: ...l injury Notes The follow ing item s can be operated w ith the key in steering lock posi tion 1 W iper w indshield washer system headlamp cleaning system only in exterior lamp sw itch positions 1 or 2...

Страница 49: ...icle s exterior lamps are not sw itched off except standing lamps Fog lamps will operate together with the parking lamps and the low or high beam headlamps Fog lamps should only be used in conjunction...

Страница 50: ...the w iper also operates fo r a lim ited time The w indshield washer nozzles are autom atically heated 7 W indshield w iper control 0 W iper off 1 Interm ittent wiping II Normal w iper speed III Fast...

Страница 51: ...switch A djust the m irror so you can ju st see the side of your vehi cle in the portion of the m irror closest to the car The m irror can be tilted to the anti glare night position using the lever a...

Страница 52: ...ct switches 1572 The sw itch fo r the rear dom e lamps has three positions Position 1 The lamps are sw itched on and off by the opening and closing of the rear doors and tailgate Position 2 The lamps...

Страница 53: ...only Sun Visors Swing sun visors down to protect against sun glare If sunlight enters through a side w in dow disengage visor from inner m ounting and swing to the side From this position the visor ca...

Страница 54: ...ed off after a maximum of 20 m i nutes of operation Heavy accum ula tion of snow and ice should be removed before activating the defros ter If several pow er consum ers are turned on sim ultaneously o...

Страница 55: ...enter console The rear door w indow s can also be operated using the sw itches 6 in each rear door panel If inadvertent operation o f the rear w indow s for instance by children is to be prevented pus...

Страница 56: ...frequency 13 Cassette track selecto r w ith track indicator Q Q 14 Reverse m usic search rew ind w ith indicator 15 Forward m usic search fa st fo r ward w ith indicator 16 Dolby B and C noise reduct...

Страница 57: ...usted independently To set the radio to a fla t tone setting bass a n d tre b le at m id range setting briefly press both tone control b u t t o n s U and s im u lta n e o u s ly The tone setting indi...

Страница 58: ...iv ity level This station is held fo r audi tio n in g fo r approx 5 seconds If desired this station m ay be locked in by pressing the or Q 3 1 ar neither of the bars is pressed the radio will continu...

Страница 59: ...heir exact frequency but the next clo s est whole number US radio frequency ranges AM 5 4 0 1 6 0 0 kHz FM 88 1 1 0 7 9 MHz Manual tuning For fine tuning a station or fo r manual tuning A fter selecti...

Страница 60: ...le reception quality Although FM is normally static free reception quality can be lim ited by geographic and atm ospheric condi tions station strength and distance from the transm itter Buildings or o...

Страница 61: ...forw ard music search fast forw ard button again after approx 3 s e c o n a To fast forw ard the tape press the forw ard m usic search fast forward button flE ltw ic e The indicator lamp in the b u t...

Страница 62: the eject button B Q Remove the tape after the m otorized loading system has disengaged the cassette The unit will autom atically sw itch from cassette playback to radio operation When the unit is...

Страница 63: ...low er position the antenna will not extend or will retract com pletely The height of the antenna can be adjusted to any interm ediate position by actuating the antenna s w itc h If the antenna sw itc...

Страница 64: ......

Страница 65: ...ure Indicator Lamp Deceleration Shutoff Fuel Reserve W arning Lamp Coolant Tem perature Gauge Low Engine Coolant Level Indicator Lamp Low W indshield and Headlamp W asher System Fluid Level Indicator...

Страница 66: ...dling and the service brake is applied Do not release the brake until ready to drive The vehicle may oth er wise start creeping when the selector lever is in a drive position Test the brakes shortly a...

Страница 67: ...m arks on the speedom eter Do not attem pt dow nshifting to a lower gear braking effect unless the speedom eter needle is below the speed lim it m ark of that particular gear range O ver rew ing could...

Страница 68: ...or example when driving upgrade the cruise control will be can celled 4 Resume If the lever is briefly pulled to posi tion 4 when driving at a speed exceeding approxim ately 40 km h 25 mph the vehicle...

Страница 69: m end that you visit an authorized MERCEDES BENZ dealer as soon as possible to have the system checked Warning Even the ABS cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle The...

Страница 70: ...unning and at operating tem perature the engine oil level has dropped to approxim ately the m ini mum mark on the dipstick When this occurs the indicator lamp will first com e on interm ittently and t...

Страница 71: ...2 and should go out when the engine is running If the indicator lamp com es on with the engine running the level of the reservoir has dropped 1 3 of the total volume The reservoir should be refilled w...

Страница 72: ...onfined areas such as a garage which are not properly ventilated If you think that exhaust gas fumes are entering the vehicle while driving have the cause determined and corrected immediately If you m...

Страница 73: ...perature For recom m ended engine oil viscosi ties refer to Fuels Coolants Lubricants e tc and last page Check engine coolant anticorro sion antifreeze concentration Additive fo r the w indshield was...

Страница 74: ......

Страница 75: ...the Vehicle 90 Fluid Level A utom atic Trans Head Restraints 93 mission 77 Ashtray 94 Jack Vehicle Tools First Aid Kit 78 Replacing W iper Blades 94 Spare Wheel 78 Manual Release of Fuel Filler Flap 9...

Страница 76: w iper in the parked position To close Close hood by depressing it firmly Warning To help prevent personal injury stay clear of moving parts when the hood is open and the engine is running Be sure...

Страница 77: ...C 194 F Allow engine to cool down before removing cap The cool ant reservoir contains hot w ater anticorrosion antifreeze mixture and is under pressure Using a rag turn cap to first notch to relieve e...

Страница 78: ...op the engine and wait a few m inutes fo r the oil to drain back to the oil pan W ipe the dipstick clean before che ck ing A dd oil if needed only to the upper mark max Do f not overfill the engine vl...

Страница 79: ...cause operational troubles The fluid level in the transm ission is dependent upon its tem perature The m aximum and minimum fluid level m arks on the dipstick are applicable references only if the tr...

Страница 80: ...lifted tire Jack stands must be used when working under the vehicle Always set parking brake before raising vehicle with the jack For details refer to Changing W heels Jack Vehicle Tools First Aid Kit...

Страница 81: ...torque 110 Nm 80 Ib ft For tire specifications refer to Tech nical Data Rotating wheels The wheels can be rotated according to the degree of tire wear while retain ing the same direction of travel Ro...

Страница 82: ...only to lift the vehicle during a tire change Never get beneath the vehicle while it is supported only by the jack Keep hands and feet away from the area under the lifted tire Jack stands must be use...

Страница 83: ...then the adjusted air pressure specified air pre ssu re 0 2 bar 3 psi Tire pressures listed fo r light loads are m inim um values offering high driv ing com fort Increased inflation pres sures fo r he...

Страница 84: ...ating Headlamp Assembly 1 Headlamp horizontal adjustm ent screw 2 Headlamp vertical adjustm ent screw 3 Fog lamp adjustm ent screw 4 Fastening clip for housing of turn signal parking side m arker and...

Страница 85: ...b flat side facing up m ount clam ping ring 9 with tab fac ing down and turn clockw ise Push electrical connector on securely Fog lamp bulb Halogen type H3 Com press the retaining clip of the cover 6...

Страница 86: ...ter clockw ise and remove Insert new bulb Engage cover at top and rotate dow n ward to snap closed License Plate Lamps 5 W bulb Loosen both the securing screws remove lamp and take out bulb Exit Lamps...

Страница 87: belt rem inder lamp bulb 1 2 W located under the front lamp lift off the cover w ith the outlined sym bol and replace the bulb Center dom e lamp 10 W bulb A t the recess in the center lift lens up...

Страница 88: ...the battery to last an optim um length of time Therefore we recom m end that you have the battery charge checked fre quently if you use the vehicle m ostly fo r short distance trips or if it is not u...

Страница 89: the fuse box O bserve am perage and color of fuse Always use a new fuse fo r replace ment Never attem pt to repair or bridge a blown fuse A fter replacing the fuse engage the fuse box cover at the...

Страница 90: ...warm transm ission shift selector lever to position 2 to tow start the engine Touch the accelerator only when the engine starts running As soon as the engine has started quickly return selector lever...

Страница 91: ...abled vehicle Make sure the cables are not on or near pulleys fans or other parts that will move when the engine is started 5 Start engine of the vehicle w ith the charged battery and run at high idle...

Страница 92: ...nder side of the car A prerequisite fo r a thorough check is a washing of the underbody follow ed by a thorough inspection Damaged areas need to be re undercoated Your vehicle has been treated at the...

Страница 93: ...ause it to open Tar Stains Quickly rem ove tar stains before they dry and becom e m ore difficult to remove MB tar rem over is recom mended Window Cleaning W iper Blade Use a w indow cleaning solution...

Страница 94: ...air dryer If in doubt please consult your authorized MERCEDES BENZ dealer Paintwork Painted Body Com po nents M B G loss Preserver should be applied when w ater drops on the paint surface do not bead...

Страница 95: ...position can be reached by pushing the sw itch up for approxim ately 5 seconds A djust head restraint to the desired position Rem oving rear seat head restraints Pull the head restraint up to its hig...

Страница 96: ...ush down to engage To rem ove rear ashtray Push the ashtray down while opening and remove To install Position ashtray squarely and push in R eplacing W iper Blades Remove key from steering lock before...

Страница 97: ...f w iper arm Then press safe ty tab upward until it locks in place Note Do not open engine hood w ith w iper arm folded forward Rear W indow W iper Blade Removal Fold w iper arm 1 away from rear w in...

Страница 98: ...socket wrench manually to open or close roof as desired To slide the roof closed or to raise the roof at the rear turn clockwise To slide the roof open or to lower the roof at the rear turn countercl...

Страница 99: ...Long cargo item s should not extend beyond the vehicle length and should be tied to the cross bar at the front and rear When carrying luggage on the integral luggage rack lim it the w eight to 80 kg...

Страница 100: ...jected to the m ost strin gent quality inspections Each part has been specifically developed manufactured or selected for and adapted to MERCEDES BENZ vehi cles Therefore MERCEDES BENZ original spare...

Страница 101: ...Plates 1 0 0 Theft Prevention 101 Vehicle Data Cards 1 0 2 W arranty Coverage 1 02 Technical Data 103 Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc 104 Capacities 104 Engine Oils 106 Brake Fluid 106 Premium Unleaded...

Страница 102: ...tion and engine numbers too 1 Certification Tag left door pillar 2 Identification Tag left w indow post 3 Vehicle Identification No 4 Engine No 5 Body No and Paintwork No 6 Inform ation Tag California...

Страница 103: ...e illustration are labeled ex factory the labels show the VIN num ber of this vehicle Spare parts are similarly labeled ex factory in a different location The labels show the letter R for replace ment...

Страница 104: ...w arranties printed in the O w ner s Service and W arranty Policy Booklet and your authorized MERCEDES BENZ dealer will exchange or repair any defective parts in accordance w ith the term s of the fo...

Страница 105: ...ummer tires Radial ply tires 195 65 VR 15 W inter tires Radial ply tires 195 65 R 15 91 T M S Electrical System A lternator 1 4 V 7 0 A Starter m otor 12 V 1 7 kW Battery 12 V 62 Ah Spark plugs see la...

Страница 106: ...uels Coolants Lubricants etc Capacities Capacity Engine w ith oil filter 6 0 I 6 3 US qt Autom atic transm ission Initial fill 7 3 I 7 7 US qt Fluid change 6 2 I 6 6 US qt 104 Fuels coolants lubricant...

Страница 107: ...ndshield washer concentrate S 2 Rear w indow washer system approx 2 5 I 2 6 US qt Fuel tank including a reserve of approx 72 I 19 0 US gal approx 9 0 I 2 4 US gal Premium unleaded gasoline Posted Octa...

Страница 108: par tially w ith unleaded regular and fill up w ith prem ium unleaded as soon as possible avoid full throttle driving and abrupt acceleration do not exceed an engine speed of 2000 rpm if the vehicl...

Страница 109: ...corrosion antifreeze should be used to bring it up to the proper level have cooling system checked fo r signs of leakage The w ater in the cooling system must meet m inim um requirem ents which are us...

Страница 110: ...op on wet pavement as m easured under controlled conditions on specified governm ent test surfaces of asphalt and concrete A tire m arked C may have poor traction perform ance Warning The traction gra...

Страница 111: ...nable by skilled drivers under controlled road and vehicle conditions and the inform ation may not be correct under other conditions Description of the vehicles to which this table applies 300 TE A Fu...

Страница 112: ......

Страница 113: ...Index I...

Страница 114: ...48 C onsum er inform ation 108 Coolant level check 75 Coolants 105 107 Coolant tem perature gauge 69 Cruise control 66 Deceleration shutoff 68 Doors 28 Driver checks 116 Driving instructions 16 Econo...

Страница 115: 84 License plate lamps 84 Switch 47 Taillamps 83 Lamps interior 50 84 85 Center dom e 85 Exit 84 Front dom e 85 Glove com partm ent 84 Reading 85 Rear dom e 85 Sun visor 85 Lighter 51 Literature 11...

Страница 116: ...ors 51 Supplem ental restraint system SRS 36 Tailgate 29 Technical data 103 Theft prevention 101 Tire chains 71 Tire pressure 81 Tires 17 79 108 Tool kit 78 Towing 88 Transm ission fluid level check 7...

Страница 117: ...sey 07645 A tt Technical Publications Tel 201 573 0600 fo r Canada M ercedes Benz Canada Inc 849 Eglinton Ave East Toronto Ont Canada M4G 2L5 A tt Technical Publications Tel 416 425 3550 Telex 065 242...

Страница 118: ...t every tw o weeks For details see page 81 3 Battery Add distilled or tap water only see page 86 4 Fluid Level in Automatic Transmission See page 77 5 Coolant Level See page 75 6 Windshield Washer Sys...

Страница 119: ...o page 77 Tire Pressure Cold For driving up to 160 km h 100 mph up to A M MMA CPcPcP tires 2 01 291 2 01 291 Coolant For normal replenishm ent use water potable w ater quality For furthe r inform atio...

Страница 120: ...DAIMLER BENZ AG Stuttgart Untertuerkheim Zentralkundendienst 0 0 C J I c c c r L c L L I i I I I...

Страница 121: ......
