Introduction of the New E-Class, Model Series 212 Sedan
Function of AIRMATIC
The full air suspension is designed as an open system,
i.e. the vehicle position and control processes are
achieved by adding or releasing compressed air. The
air springs are designed for a maximum static pres-
sure of 10 bar. The vehicle position is regulated via
solenoid valves assigned to each wheel. The air
suspension system is controlled by the AIRMATIC
control unit and is supplied with pressure by an elec-
trically driven compressor.
The system possesses a central reservoir with a
capacity of 5 liters and a filling pressure of
approx. 16 bar to enable it to operate silently when
the vehicle is loaded while stationary. The AIRMATIC
control unit contains an automatic disabling function
so that all adjustment is suppressed in certain situa-
tions, such as when changing a wheel on a jack or
when lifting the car on a vehicle lift.
AIRMATIC air suspension
1 Central reservoir
2 Compressor
3 Air spring
N51 / 3 AIRMATIC control unit
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