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Instructions Manual
2-3. Specifications
Controller part
( )
Basic Specifications
No. Item
Pulse output
Output frequency
0.1 Hz to 1 MHz
5000 ms/kHz to 0.0025 ms/kHz Trapezoid/S-curve
time constant
S-curve This feature enables to set asymmetrical shape.
Triangular drive prevention
During S-shaped acceleration/deceleration drive, INDEX drive may end
before the maximum speed is reached.
In this event, triangular drive can be automatically avoided.
Number of output pulses
JOG drive
: -65,535 to +65,535 pulse
SCAN drive
: Up to infinite pulses
INDEX drive : -2,147,483,647 to + 2,147,483,647 pulses
Drive function JOG drive
Pulses are constantly output until the specified pulses.
SCAN drive
Pulses are continuously output until a stop command is detected.
INDEX drive
Pulses are output until the specified relative or absolute address is
ORIGIN drive
The specified drive processes are performed.
This drive is finished when the ORG signal specified edge is detected.
2-axis linear interpolation
Linear interpolation is performed toward the specified coordinates from
the current coordinates.
Driving type is selected from INDEX drive or SCAN drive.
Positional errors for the specified straight line are
0.5 LSB.
The absolute and relative addresses that can be specified for
coordinates range from -2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647 32 bits .
Linear speed constant
Control is performed to keep the synthesized speed of the two axes
working for interpolation drive constant.
Stop function
Slow stop function
SLOW STOP command
Detection of a match of the comparator of each counter.
Deceleration stop by overheating warning of driver.
Immediate stop function
FAST STOP command
FSSTOP signal two axes stop
Detection of a match of the comparator of each counter.
Immediate stop by overheating warning of driver.
LIMIT signal
direction stop
Immediate stop by CWLM signal and slow stop can be selected.
Slow stop or immediate stop can be performed for each axis upon
detection of a match of the comparator COMP2
of each counter.
direction stop
Immediate stop by CCWLM signal and slow stop can be selected.
Slow stop or immediate stop can be performed for each axis upon
detection of a match of the comparator COMP3
of each counter.
32-bit counter that manages absolute addresses by counting drive output
32-bit counter that counts the drive pulse output.
Comparator function
Detection of a match of the three comparators of each counter.
Upon detection of a match by the comparator, pulse output can be
decelerated and then stopped, or stopped immediately.
Upon detection of a match by the comparator, status can be read.
AUTO CLEAR function
The counter can automatically be cleared upon detection of a match of
COMP1 of each counter.
AUTO ADD function
If the counter value reaches the COMP1, a value that is set by the data
add to COMPARE REGISITER1 of each counter.