PN: 81127
Rev 4, 6/2017
b. For SPI, the internal power supply needs to be repaired or replaced, contact the factory
for further instructions. Ethernet Cable
Basic troubleshooting of the Ethernet communication cable as follows,
No power - Check power source and line cord. If the SPI powers up, but the STVI
display does light up, check the cable and cable connectors. Typical problem is usually a
broken conductor or cracked cable connector. Replace cable to see if this resolves issue.
Erratic Manual Control / Missing Channels on STVI Display
Communication cable is not properly connected, thus cannot receive proper
Internal problem with communications inside the SPI, see SPI in Addendum A.
Communication cables inside the SPI unit may require reseating.
Contact the factory for a Repair Authorization Number and return instructions if service is required.
A Repair Authorization (RA) number will be assigned for proper handling of the unit when it arrives at the
factory. Any non-warranty repair cost incurred for the repair or replacement of parts and/or materials shall
be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Provide the factory with model number, Unit serial number, nature of the problem or service required,
return address, your name, and how to contact you should the factory need to discuss the service
request. You may need to provide a purchase order number, cost limit, billing, and return shipping
instructions. If an estimate is requested, provide the name and contact information.
Preparation for Reshipment
Save the original shipping container for future use. The shipping container is designed to withstand
the rigors of shipping via a common commercial carrier.
Pack the equipment appropriately to prevent damage during shipment. If a reusable container is utilized,
the unit will be returned in the same shipping container if it is in suitable condition.
Add the Return Authorization Number to the address label of the shipping container for proper
identification and quicker handling.
NOTE: Ship the equipment without nonessential items such as test leads, etc. These items are not
needed by the factory to perform service.