11. Warning messages
The following warning messages may be displayed during the testing process.
Characters which appear in the aux (small) digit field on the display are shown here in a slightly smaller font size.
11.1 Startup warnings
-Instrument is un-calibrated
11.2 Battery
11.3 Battery charger
“bAt CHA”
-Battery charging
“bAt FUL”
-Battery fully charged
11.4 Fuse warning
11.5 Invalid rotary switch setting
“ERR - - -“
-General error – invalid combination of rotary switches.
11.6 Continuity test
“VOL 0-L”
-Voltage overload during test
11.7 Insulation test
“1000V 1000V”
-Flashing warning before 1kV test.
“VOL 0-L”
-Voltage overload during test
11.8 RCD Test
-Supply tripped unexpectedly.
-Test aborted due to danger of exceeding touch-voltage limit.
“Err con”
-Hardware problem detected during High Current Loop test or RCD test.
11.9 RCD range selection errors
“ERR >1000mA”
-Requested current is >1000mA.
“ERR - - -“ + Type A
-In Type A mode -Instrument has been set for Type A test, but Type A test is not valid
with this setting.
“ERR - - -“ + Type B -In type B mode
- Instrument has been set for Type B test, but Type B test is not valid with this setting.
“ERR - - -“ + Type S breaker symbol
-Instrument has been set for Type S test, but Type S test is not valid with this setting.
-On VAR range, current is set too high for the selected test.