Recalling Test Results to the display
1. Turn the RIGHT rotary range knob to the RCL range.
2. Use the Bluetooth (Lock) button to select either LSt (last stored result) or ALL (all stored results).
3. Press and hold the Bluetooth (Lock) button until the result is displayed on the screen.
4. If ALL has been selected, use the Right Lock / RIGHT TEST buttons to scroll through the stored results.
5. If TEST is displayed, this indicates further data is available for the displayed result. Use the LEFT TEST button to display this as
required. E.g. for Insulation, the test voltage is available for viewing.
Sending stored Test Results via Bluetooth
1. Run Megger Download Manager
2. Using the appropriate driver, follow the on-screen instructions.
Sending individual (Blobbing) Test Results
Note that in order to Blob test data, the Store Mode needs to be set to Bluetooth or Internal and Bluetooth. See section 10 SETUP
OPTIONS for further details.
To force a particular test result into a specific certificate box double click the box within the certificate prior to Blobbing the result.
Insulation Testing
1. Perform an Insulation test as described previously.
2. Press and hold the Bluetooth (Lock) button to display the first option. Release button when L-E displayed.
3. Use the Right Lock / RIGHT TEST buttons to scroll through the options until the one you need is reached (L-E, L-n, n-E, L-L or ---).
4. Press the Bluetooth (Lock) button to send the test result to your PC or mobile device. The display chevrons will alternate whilst
the connection is being established. When connected, the Bluetooth symbol will flash whilst the result is transmitted.
5. The test results will now appear in the correct box in the certificate open on your PC or mobile device.
Continuity Testing
1. Perform a Continuity test as described previously.
2. Press and hold the Bluetooth (Lock) button to display the first option. Release button when R12 displayed.
3. Use the Right Lock / RIGHT TEST buttons to scroll through the options until the one you need is reached (R2, R12, R1, RR1, RR2
or ---).
4. Press the Bluetooth (Lock) button to send the test result to your PC or mobile device. The display chevrons will alternate whilst
the connection is being established. When connected, the Bluetooth symbol will flash whilst the result is transmitted.
5. The test results will now appear in the correct box in the certificate open on your PC or mobile device.