Technical Manual
Blind Push Button Smart 55
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
4.7.5 “Settings” menu „Shading“
The settings menu is only available for selection if it is set to "active" in the menu "Display
settings" => "Display in "Settings" menu". See
4.3.6 Display in the „Settings“ menu (in the device)
The menu is selected with the buttons 1 "˅" and 2 "˄".
Pressing button 4 sends a 1-bit telegram "On" or "Off" via object 8 - "Enable/lock shading"
(expediently to the object for activating/deactivating automatic Shading on the shutter actuator).
The current status is returned via object 9 - " Enable/lock Shading status". This is shown in the
bottom right of the display as "Ready" or "Inactive". "Inactive" is shown in colour. If object 9 is not
connected to a group address, the value sent is displayed.
4.7.6 “Settings” menu „Time switch reset“
The menu is selected with keys 1 "˅" and 2 "˄".
Pressing button 4 "Select" takes you to the next level:
Pressing button 4 "Yes" resets all changes to the time switch and the settings made in the ETS apply.
Pressing button 3 "No" returns the display to the "Settings" level and the changes are retained.