IM 689-2
To configure a level-1 CSC, RMS, or RMC
Using the CSC, RMS, or RMC panel’s keypad/display, set the “Total Slaves” parameter high
enough to reach the BACdrop gateway’s address. The Total Slaves parameter is a decimal value
on the keypad/displays. It can be found under either the Service or Misc Setup menu.
For example, if the gateway is at address 01.00, set the Total Slaves parameter to 1. If the
gateway is at address 0A.00, set the Total Slaves parameter to 10. The level-1 controller will
begin polling the BACdrop gateway.
It is not necessary to reset the MicroTech controller after changing the Total Slaves parameter.
To configure a LLLB
1. Use any Monitor software package to set the Number Of Slaves parameter high enough to reach
the BACdrop gateway’s address. In most cases, the BACdrop’s address should be 03.00 (it
cannot be 01.00 or 02.00). The Number Of Slaves parameter is at memory location $8012.
For example, if the gateway is at address 03.00, set the Number Of Slaves parameter to 03. If the
gateway is at address 0A.00, set the Number Of Slaves parameter to 0A.
2. Cycle power to the LLLB or do a soft reset.
The checksums will be mismatched, and the LLLB program will not run.
3. Using the Monitor, read the LLLB’s EOS checksum ($8002) and set the program checksum
($8001) equal to it.
4. Cycle power to the LLLB or do a soft reset.
The LLLB program will start running again, and the LLLB controller will begin polling the
BACdrop gateway.
Task 3: Verifying the Integrity of the Communications Trunk
The MicroTech network communications cable should have been installed in accordance with the
instructions in the “
Field Wiring
” section of this manual. This procedure will verify that there are no
shorts or stray voltages anywhere in the communications trunk.
Before beginning, make sure that the port B connectors are disconnected from every controller on the
trunk. On the BACdrop gateway, the network cable should not yet be connected to the “Network”
terminal block.
To check the trunk
1. Verify that there is no voltage between any conductor and ground.
At the BACdrop panel, use a voltmeter to test for voltage on the network trunk conductors. With
one lead on the BACdrop panel chassis (ground), check for voltage at the “+,” “–,” and “ground”
conductor leads. There should be no AC or DC voltage. If the conductors are properly connected
to the field terminals of the MicroTech controllers, this check will test for stray voltage
throughout the trunk (see note below).
If you get a 2 or 3 Vdc reading, it indicates that one or more powered controllers are connected
to the trunk. These controllers should be located and disconnected from the trunk.
If the BACdrop panel is not at either end of the daisy chain, the trunk may be split into
two halves until the final connections are made. If this is true for your project, then either test the
two trunk halves separately or temporarily splice together the two trunk halves with wire nuts.
2. Verify that there are no shorts between any two conductors.
At the BACdrop panel, use an ohmmeter to test for shorts across the network trunk conductors.
For the three combinations of conductor pairs, there should be infinite resistance between the
conductors. If the conductors are properly connected to the field terminals of the MicroTech
controllers, this check will test for shorts throughout the trunk (see note at step 1).