Case 4, Open Screening Walls
Decorative screening walls are often used to help conceal a unit either on grade or on a rooftop.
These walls should be designed such that the combination of their open area and distance from the
unit do not require performance adjustment. It is assumed that the wall height is equal to or less
than the unit height when mounted on its base support. This is usually satisfactory for concealment.
If the wall height is greater than the unit height, see Case 5, Pit Installation.
The distance from the ends of the unit to the end walls must be sufficient for service, opening
control panel doors, and pulling evaporator tubes, as applicable.
If each side wall is a different distance from the unit, the distances can be averaged, providing either
wall is not less than 8 feet (2.4 meters) from the unit. For example, do not average 4 feet and 20
feet to equal 12 feet.
Figure 10, Open Screening Walls
Figure 11, Wall Free Area vs. Distance