McIntosh Audio/Video Player
How to Connect Video Components
How to Connect Video Components
There are four types of Video Signals the MX120 can se-
lect; Composite, S-Video, Component and HDMI. The
built-in Digital Video Processing Circuitry can Up-Convert
the desired Composite Input to S-Video; it will also Up-
Convert the desired Composite, S-Video Inputs to Compo-
nent Video or convert Component Video to HDMI. Connect
all of the available Source Component Video Outputs
(HDMI, Component, S-Video and Composite), using the
appropriate Video Cables to the MX120. This will assure
that video is available to the Zone B and RECord Outputs.
Refer to Component Video Input and Video Converter
Setup on page 34 for additional information.
1. Connect a HDMI cable from the MX120 HDMI 4
Video Input to the McIntosh HDMI Video Output of the
McIntosh Audio/Video Player.
2. Connect video cables from the MX120 DVD VIDEO
INPUTS to the McIntosh Video Outputs of the McIn-
tosh Audio/Video Player.
3. Connect video cables from the MX120 DVD COMPO-
NENT INPUTS 3 to the McIntosh Component Video
Outputs of the McIntosh Audio/Video Player.
4. Connect video cables from the MX120 SAT VIDEO
INPUTS to the Video Outputs of a Satellite Receiver.
5. Connect video cables from the MX120 SAT COMPO-
NENT INPUTS 1 to the Component Video Outputs of a
Satellite Receiver.
6. Connect video cables from the MX120 VCR INPUTS
to the VCR Video Outputs.
7. Connect video cables from the MX120 VCR RECord
OUTPUTS to the VCR Video Inputs.
8. Connect HDMI cables from the MX120 MON A
HDMI VIDEO OUTput to the Monitor/TV HDMI
Video Input.
9. Connect video cables from the MX120 MON A COM-
PONENT OUTPUTS to the Monitor/TV Component
Video Inputs.
Note: If the Monitor/TV does not have HDMI or
Component Video Inputs, then connect the MX120
MON A S-Video or Composite Output(s) instead.