MBIT Technologies
7.8 Administration
Use can manage the bb100 in these six webpage; you can configuration the Time/Date, password, web
access, system log and so on.
7.8.1 Management
You can configuration the value of Time/Date, password, web access, and system log and so on. Time/Date
Field Name
NTP Server
Fill in the NTP server IP
address or Domain name
Time Zone
Choose the time zone
Manual Time
Adjust time by manual
Alarm Enable
If or not enable alarm
Alarm Time
Set alarm time
Daylight Saving
If or not enable daylight
saving time.
Offset time, “-60” means
advancing 60miniter, “60”
means delaying 60minite
Start Month
Choose starting month
Start Day of
Choose starting day
Start Day of Week
Last in Month
Choose starting week
Start Hour of Day Choose starting hour
Stop Month
Choose stopping month
Stop Day of Week Choose stopping day
Stop Day of Week
Last in Month
Choose stopping week
Stop Hour of Day Choose stopping the function