MBIT Technologies
7.1 Web-based Configuration
This section will show you how to configure your bb100 using the web-based configuration interface. The
default network settings are the following:
Default Internet Connection Type: DHCP
Default PC Port Connection Type: Bridge
Default user name of admin mode: admin
Default user name of user mode: user
Default password of Web: (null)
Default Web login port: 8080
Web Idle Timeout: 5 min
7.2 Login
To access the phone through a web browser
Step 1: Setup bb100 correctly
Step 2: Lookup the Internet IP Address in the left side of LCD
Step 3: Enter “http://Internet IP Address:8080” in the address field of the browser.
Step 4: Type “admin” or “user” for the User Name, click on the Login button to access the
configuration page
There are two levels of web configuration: one “user” ID level that can view just some portion in the web,
and the other “admin” ID level that can view and configure all settings in the web-based configuration
interface. To use “admin” ID for login, please contact your administrator, supplier or service provider.
7.3 Webpage
No. Name
Main information
Display the firmware version,
DSP version, Current Time, and
administration mode.
Press Logout button to logout.
Navigation bar
Click navigation bar, many sub-
navigation bar will appear in
the place 4.
Display the main information
for configuration; user can get
help from it directly.
Sub-navigation bar Click sub-navigation bar to
enter to configuration webpage
Configuration title The configuration title
Configuration bars The configuration bars